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Abu Qatada

jeff oakley

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So once again a person whose aim is to harm British people and spread hate, uses the law to avoid deportation. What planet are those in charge on? We have the elected goverment happy to deport him to Jordan where they have promised a fair trial and this has been blocked by the Special immigration appeals commission. When we have laws that are so easily manipulated by those whose want to use them that we cannot deport murderers and people like this scum is there anything we as a country can now do without those do gooders stepping in to protect those sworn to do us harm?


We nunney foot around and make us the laughing stock of the world.

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It is pure madness. About time we amended the law being used to keep him here.


Why not just deport him anyway as the whole country wants to see the back of him?  Can't we just accidentally stick him on a train that happens to go through a tunnel under the Channel without stopping and let the French deal with it :-) or a plane etc?

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I thought that was a song from The Lion King. ???

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The judiciary follow the laws as laid down by parliament. Sometimes these are interpreted somewhat differently to the aim of the legislators. But, surely, this is the fault  of the draftsmen of the legislation.


So the answer is to draught new laws. 


I would add a further clause to our Human Rights legislation. "Anyone committing a serious breach of the law can be deemed to have this legislation not apply to themselves". Then let the judge decide at the time of sentencing.

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I'm sure the government could find some professional problem fixers for this type of thing. Like Russians do. Allegedly...

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I thought that was a song from The Lion King. ???

The name can't be said in our house without a Dick van Dyke Cockney accent in a ''Ave a ba......naaaa....na' stylee  :d


Trouble is, this chap hasn't actually been charged let alone convicted with a criminal offence in this country.  We can't throw him out because we signed up to the European Court of Human Rights (which Winston Churchill sort of invented so we can't complain that we signed up to it).  And if you are in the EU, you have to sign up to being a member of the ECHR I think we should be out of both.  It's not working as it should thanks to too many bleeding heart liberals having a disproportionately loud voice in modern politics.  


I tend to agree with Norman.  If you don't want to play by our rules, don't expect the rules to be applied to you.  


If I ruled the world, I'd charter a plane, put him in a sack, quick touch and go landing at Amman International with just enough time to open the door and throw said sack out.  He wants to hurt me and my family, and I don't like that. :angry:

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Human rights.

If not acted as a human should, why should we have to allow rights of a human?

Soldiers pull "It's against human rights..." They promptly get "you're a soldier, man up and move on!" However I doubt it's not usually as polite with that!

Sure this kind of thing has been discussed here before. Where I made a comment about prison's should be like in a John Wayne western jail. Bed, sheets and if you're lucky a window. Not like some of the prisons where criminals have games consoles and TV's/sky founded by the tax payer.

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Look - butterflies!


:) simply saying "think I've been here before". Nothing angry there! I'm looked after, the advertised rent was £1350 a month on the house the army have put me in for less than £250 a month. I'm getting full pay and only doing 3hrs, 5 days a week!

Can remember leaky roofs and rats the size if small dogs in my old places though! Hahaha

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That  :arse: of a dog is living in Kenton Middx with a police guard 24/7

Its costing a bomb if you pardon the pun

He needs to have a car accident like princess Di 

Perhaps we should move the bar steward next door to guest to effect this (Nothing against you guest)  :laugh:

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Crashioli - could you take Abu Qatada for a spin in your car when you get it back mate....???:p

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I dont give a flying f*ck whether he will be put on trial using evidence obtained by torture :angry:

Why the f*ck are we not torturing the :arse: hole?

I just want him and his extended family out of my country :angry:

I wouldn't bother putting him on a plane and doing a quick drop in Amman, I'd just chuck the :arse: hole out when we got to a reasonable altitude :angry:

As you can see I'm very angry about this issue, and I dont give a f*ck what the pc brigade think :angry:

Please dont post and try and reason with me, I'm not interested :angry:

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Ended up with locked/hidden threads!

However, there's many like him here... Always on a soap box in town with some anti-Christian/White person/British thing going on. Walked past and ignore!

Although, in tin top, I think he'd make a good speed bump!

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