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PC or Mac ?


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I'm in the market for a new laptop but not sure which way to jump. I've not had a mac before and hear good things from people and just wondered what opinions you guys have on Mac's if any.

Cheers Martin

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First things first, before I break out the popcorn - please describe what your computer requirements are, i.e. desktop or laptop, relative computer experience, age and type of existing computer, what operating system you currently use, and exactly what you will be using it for.

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macs are very nice but are not pcs.... a little different and the change is challenging for some people.


if its style then have a look at http://zenbook.asus.com/






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First things first, before I break out the popcorn - please describe what your computer requirements are, i.e. desktop or laptop, relative computer experience, age and type of existing computer, what operating system you currently use, and exactly what you will be using it for.



total agree

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Have had numerous windows based laptops over the years and numerous problems went over to mac PowerBook pro 12 months ago never regretted it. I use the Microsoft office 11 tried the virtual machine think but did not like it. The platform is extremely stable and battery life is fantastic. Soon got used to interface. I still have a desktop that runs Windows but this is a cost thing as apple PC's are very expensive. Only real issue is specialist windows applications such as VISIO which you cannot get on MAC. Alternatives exist but they are not as good IMHO. Laptop mainly for travelling and presentations so not a problem as can create on desktop embed into word and display on MAC office inWord or PowerPoint..

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I just use Parallels to host a virtual Windows machine with Windows 7 on - all my Windows only programs seem to run fine on there.


Office 11 on the MAC seems to do 98% of everything the Windows equivalent does, there are one or two things it doesn't, but it's very rare that I've needed that functionality.


On the other hand, photograph and video handling on the MAC is excellent. (I love iMovie)

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First things first, before I break out the popcorn - please describe what your computer requirements are, i.e. desktop or laptop, relative computer experience, age and type of existing computer, what operating system you currently use, and exactly what you will be using it for.

Well now there's a list, ill do my best for you Scott

I currently use windows based laptops for work & pleasure and am fairly well experienced in using them. We have w7 based laptops at work for vehicle diagnostic work, web search, invoicing and maintaining our web site. I also have a W7 low spec laptop which has been my personal unit for general multimedia use, this now has a specific use at work and I'm looking for something to make my personal use a little more enjoyable, so storing, displaying & editing photos, download and watch films + display on tv via HDMI, general social networking and web surfing, your thoughts? Martin

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My opinion, having working mainly on Windows systems but somewhat on Macs, is that you will probably be more comfortable getting a high-end laptop with a Windows operating system.  I do love the Mac stuff, it's well built and the backup is (generally excellent, but if you've been engrained in Windows for a long time, it isn't exactly intuitive to learn the software.


On the other hand, an iPad might be something to go in and play with - it will do your photo stuff, films, social network and surfing, not sure about displaying on HDMI TV, but if what you're looking for is a bit of pleasure, that might be worth considering.


All IMHO of course. :)

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Apple does that supremely well, but at a premium cost.


Sometimes it can be hard getting your head round how Apple does some stuff - more so if you're fairly IT experienced/literate TBH. You tend to sort of "over-think" how to do things.


It's actually easier to just "forget" trying to think how to do something and just try and do it!


(On the whole getting an end result is pretty intuitive, it's overthinking the process of getting there that throws Windows users)

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My opinion, having working mainly on Windows systems but somewhat on Macs, is that you will probably be more comfortable getting a high-end laptop with a Windows operating system. I do love the Mac stuff, it's well built and the backup is (generally excellent, but if you've been engrained in Windows for a long time, it isn't exactly intuitive to learn the software.

On the other hand, an iPad might be something to go in and play with - it will do your photo stuff, films, social network and surfing, not sure about displaying on HDMI TV, but if what you're looking for is a bit of pleasure, that might be worth considering.

All IMHO of course. :)

Hmmm iPad, yes considered those but add up the cost of decent spec iPad, AirPrint printer ( yes I've tried handy print & fingerprint both work to a fashion) adaptors ect and you not far off a mac book pro. iPad will connect to TV with HDMI adaptor or through Apple TV but all adds to cost.

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I've a high spec Windows 7 desk top for windows type things and a MacBook, the mac gets used all of the time the windows PC does not get that much use.

With the Mac you open the lid it comes on and does what you want and you close the lid when complete.


I was sold when I borrowed a friends Mac and using the basic software took an hour or so to create a 10 minute or so holiday DVD from quite a lot of footage. That is something I had never manage to quite achieve despite spending hours using various bits of purchased specialist windows software.


We use OpenOffice on the Mac without issue.


My daughter is also a Mac convert she won't use her Windows 7 based machines any more at all.


They aren't cheap though, but if comparing with higher end laptop (Sony etc) the difference is not so great. 

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once you have used a mac you will never go back.

had my mac book air for over a year now and find windows on our home pc very dated..

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I was a computer tech pre nurse, don't get mac... You're tied and trapped. Can't even do simple RAM upgrade and everything's tied to apple software.

However I have had my MacAir about two years and not needed to upgrade anything! I have iPhone 5, had them from 3GS, have iPad mini, wife has iPad and MacBook Pro with my old iPhone 4S. We also have Apple TV. Apple products are far better quality, IMHO, extremely user friendly and do as I want. I've completely lost touch with windows.

I changed when "It's like an iPhone only..." Most of the time the only was price or size. Now most phones are bigger and price is all relevant. But why get the comparison when it's like an iPhone for a reason...

Most tech mates hate apple even now. A few got iPhones and now switched over. I do not know many people go apple then change back. I was swapping laptops and PC's every 6-8 months, even when swapped I was upgrading and changing bits constantly.

However I know ten people against my OPINION for every one person that agrees. Scott has the idea, you need to get what fits your use. Like a builder with wife and three kids couldn't use a Westfield as a works vehicle!

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If you are a techie then get a PC. I you are not, then get a Mac. It's a generalisation but pretty accurate, Macs steer you away from the technical side of computing (ping on a mac anyone?)

I have always run into a brick wall with macs when I want to do something cheap or free that is fairly techie, like pcb design, rc heli flight sims, robotics programming. Things like that. I run into the same brick wall with work related software. You can install windows on a mac but then you have a very expensive pc.

On the other hand, macs are perfect for media based work, and general messing about. I'm on my ipad now. I use it as my "laptop" 99% of the time, but I still need my laptop for the above, and for plugging it into things like my car ecu ( USB to serial) etc.

Btw an HP printer supporting AirPrint can easily be had for around £40 .

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mac every time for me. our macbook just works, every time, never freezes and boots up in about 10 seconds ready to use.


windows ones occasionally freeze and my windows 7 laptop is quick, yet still takes about 1 min to boot up

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