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Terry Everall

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Could I ask what your suggestion would have been to open a cargo hold door?

I can't see putting an acetylene torch to a 30 million pound plane being very high in anyone's ideas.

They will have been doing what ever they could to get door open as a plane on the ground is not making money.

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At the risk of being shot, please remember that every airline has problems. Its not as simple as getting in a car and drive to the destination. Bear in mind that if your car breaks down, you pull over and the AA or whoever come and help. It does take the p*** when you feel let down and the provider comes up and asks for feedback hoping for a 5 star rating. I hope people do continue to fly BA as it helps our country but most importantly, I hope people continue to fly on airlines, which ever brand in which ever country and that people continue to arrive safely, even if it is ahead of their baggage. Your familys will be a lot more upset if you weren't at home tonight with them.

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Good point! I had accelerator cable snap on way to see the wife. Raining, windy, Westfield, M5, Friday night, junction 26, Wellington, took 4 hours to get that far, from Birmingham! And called the AA, over 2 hours it took! He wanted to check stuff over when it was obvious... Left at 1500hrs, took almost 8 hours to do 200 miles to see my wife. Not nice!

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My suggestion of a torch was " a joke"

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All that aggro to see the wife and then she wasn't nice.......................

She'd burnt the dinner!!! Thought I'd be there 5 hours earlier!


Oh, exboeingboy, what's your take in this?

Boycott BA for only having a relatively minor delay, but got all passengers home safe or send them to the lions for making 250+ people lose 150mins of their precious lives?

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When we couldn't close/open the freight door on the good ol' VC10, it was not uncommon to have a bunch of guys bouncing up and down on the wing to twist the airframe enough to free the shoot bolts - it usually did the trick.   :)

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I used to fly BA but had a few horrendous trips in old 747s coupled with the demise of Concorde means I'll never fly with them again, when booking I make sure it's Virgin when crossing the pond

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People always swear blind they'll never use an airline again until it's the difference between paying through the nose or having a REALLY horrid flight schedule. I know when I had the choice of another flight with United or being delayed at least 12hrs (perhaps much longer), I was suddenly prepared to forgive their previous service deficiencies...


BA aren't great.  I remember being most annoyed with them when they left me waiting at the carousel for a bag that they already knew hadn't been loaded onto the plane (would have been the simplest thing in the world to let me know whilst I was still on/getting off the plane).  I don't think they ever let me down completely, and it didn't stop me using them again where they were the most convenient option... although I prefer Virgin if the schedules/pricing works.

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British Airways "The worlds favourite airline"  :d    Isn't that going against the trade description Act?

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I was gouing to keep out of this discussion but that was yesterday.


I was returning from East Midlands to Dinar (near St Malo) one December. Snow and ice everywhere. We got on the plane an hour late and then sat there for an hour. No real problem given the weather conditions.


The plane was then de-iced and after another 10 minutes we set off. Pilot taxied the full length of the runway and then returned to the stand as, he told us, the runway was frozen. Another 3/4 hour went by by which time the wings needed de-icing agian. I could see the runway being de-iced. We then took off.


I told the tale (on the darkside) and criticised the airport control for sending a plane out on  a frozen runway. They should have known.


An RAF bod was extremely rude and had a go at me for criticising the pilot, which I hadn't. Then, like sheep, everyone else joined in. I still maintain that airport control was at fault. 


I now read this thread where some are saying the complaint isn't justified as he arrived safely. The complaint IS justified. A bit of care was all that was needed. Doors on aircraft jam but they don't have to leave the passengers unattended with no refreshment whilst they sort it out.

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You are spot on Norm

Most travellers expect to arrive safely after a flight!

I was frustrated by a total lack of customer care after we landed

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Lack of communication and then compassion to do anything about it. About sums it up. once your off the plane, your someone else's problem !!

Still look on the bright side Terry. You are home and you can have a good moan on here. Nice to see you back, now did you have a good holiday ?

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I now read this thread where some are saying the complaint isn't justified as he arrived safely. The complaint IS justified. A bit of care was all that was needed. Doors on aircraft jam but they don't have to leave the passengers unattended with no refreshment whilst they sort it out.


It falls into the category of "don't sweat the small stuff", and whenever you travel there is always a risk of unexpected stuff happening.


Besides which, to be fair to them, they probably didn't know exactly how long it was going to take at the outset... and it's not uncommon to wait 60 mins for bags (at MAN) even when things are running normally.


Not sure what a complaint actually achieves either.  The chances of a "meaningful" gesture in response aren't high.

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I used the word "complaint" I don't think the original post was meant as a complaint, more a warning not to fly BA.


Someone needs to let the airport authority they're missing a revenue stream by not having some vending machines in the baggage area.

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