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Terry Everall

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After 30 hrs travel with a family group of 10 we arrived at Heathrow 0620hrs this morning, cleared passport control in 5 mins then waited 2hrs 30mins for bl**** baggage which was apparently stuck in the planes hold after our 13hrs flight!


No communications about progress 

Surely an oxy acetylene set would have cut the hold doors open

Even Michael Caine could have done it!


The card they handed out to people states at the top "we are here to help".......... :angry:  :no:  :arse:

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At least they brought you all home safely, a bit of credit there.  It seems with all airlines  " It's not our fault, blame Boeing, Airbus or BAA" 

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See, issue with today's society!

Something went wrong and you had to wait... Oh no!!! Wait!!! I'm going to melt!!! People here can't wait 30secs for lights to change so drive through reds, running people over and causing accidents!

Playing devils advocate. At least you and your luggage got there! When I flew out to Africa the passengers s cheered and clapped when they landed the plane, I then fund out this was due to not all planes landing.

When I went to Falklands for the third time, out of five, as I got to ascension islands for re fuelling there was an engine issue and they had to fly another plane to us, so stuck there 36hrs and when got to UK there was a trailer full of luggage (not mine) was left in ascension. We were not allowed off site and only food was in a little spar style shop, nothing fresh. Was horrible and nothing we could do.

But that's British forces for you!!!

Had a few things like that, but that sticks in my mind, I'd loved to have gone around ascension!

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Unlike being in the forces I paid a lot of money for the flights and 2.5hrs wait is ludicrous to open a hold door!

We had 4 grandchildren with us ( including one who is only 14 months ) and there is no food or drink at all in the baggage hall !

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Years ago I vowed never to fly BA. As such also none of the folks at our company fly BA either. I thought I would re-assess them and so have flown twice, business class to Gibraltar. The first outbound flight was really good, very good attentive cabin crew member. However out of the four flights I have taken with them, two were cancelled within 2 hours of departure - so an astounding 50% cancellation rate.


Of course absolutely no concept of appology or what they could do to make things better and both times requried a 45 min wait on the phone to re-book to another flight, as it couldnt be done online.


BA - No Way !


(of course other airlines have similar outcomes - For US travel I use United, wo are pretty good and cheap. Worldwide prefered is Emirates)

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I've only ever flown BA once from Hong Kong to UK - never ever again :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :no: PITA at check in, dire in-flight service I would go out of my way never to use them ever again :down:  I found service by Ryanair and Easyjet better than BA

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Unlike being in the forces I paid a lot of money for the flights and 2.5hrs wait is ludicrous to open a hold door!

We had 4 grandchildren with us ( including one who is only 14 months ) and there is no food or drink at all in the baggage hall !

There were many families on the flight, a lot of people live in the Falklands and only have those flights. There were paying families going on holiday to the Falklands and paying people going from ascension to the uk, £2300 per person flight only! I think it was their luggage left there too. Plus imagine families waiting for us to land that we haven't seen or spoken to for six months. We had no way to call back and it was 4 hours after we were due back before someone announced the flight was delayed. I was due to go fly to Germany on the Monday morning, but arrived Monday afternoon!

In my opinion a 14 month old would be too young to fly anyway. Delays often happen and think yourself lucky the plane made it and the only issue was a minor delay.

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I'd also like to mention it was 265 people stuck in a compound about the same size as a garage for court, most of them soldiers and all of them angry.

We had no access to a phone, food, water toilet or bed for 36 hours.

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I flown all over the world over the last 20 years including >30 trips to North America in the last few years, on balance BA are okay and T5 is now excellent.  I prefer the service of Singapore Airlines and the customer focus of Virgin Airlines but, IMHO, the American, other European and budget airlines are far worst than BA.  Flew to Afghanistan and back last summer with the RAF and it's a good job the British military have a GSOH, I could have shoved something up the rear orifice of one of the "wheeled wonders" at Minhad and Bastion - although I'm sure they have a difficult job!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was nowhere near the Falklands!

Just a simple regular 747 flight from Bangkok to London Heathrow and as others have said no one to explain what was happening or interested in sorting it out or keeping us informed. They lost a lot of BA business today 

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I'd also like to mention it was 265 people stuck in a compound about the same size as a garage for court, most of them soldiers and all of them angry.

We had no access to a phone, food, water toilet or bed for 36 hours.

RAF Air Transport slogan.."We never forget you have no choice"   :d

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RAF Air Transport slogan.."We never forget you have no choice" :d

Sounds about right!

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I was nowhere near the Falklands!

Just a simple regular 747 flight from Bangkok to London Heathrow and as others have said no one to explain what was happening or interested in sorting it out or keeping us informed. They lost a lot of BA business today

But was only a minor delay.

Most flights I've been on have been late... BA, Ryan Air, Air Canada... And others. Even a simple virgin train in December was two hours late. How can a train be late?

Nobody's injured and was less than a drive home to see my wife late. Although we now live together, £800 a month we save in petrol alone! About £100 a month in food... So much money spent just seeing each other.

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Also "lost customers" they don't care about a few upset people. Why can't we change big things, like the government... Oh, we tried... But that didn't work either. Trouble with the world we live in... Well some of it! I thought it was youngsters, I have a sling at the moment and there was only two people that helped me through doors or moved out if the way, both under 25. I had many blokes in 40's, 50's and 60's barge into me, causing pain and looked at me as if it was my fault and shouting at them was wrong! The worst drivers are elderly lady's that clearly don't have a clue, don't look, pull out or get in right hand only lane to save 5 mins then go straight on sending some poor girl into a lamppost.

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If everybody delayed gave a poop about anyone else I'm sure your 14 month old would've had food and a drink. When stuck for 36 hours I gave my jacket to a young girl to use as a blanket. Even stepping to one side when walking down the street does not happen and if it does and I say "thank you" they look at me with either shock or disgust.

Look at this guy,


Nothing to do with me, but his story is amazing. Wants nothing at all other than people to be humans. He'd rather you buy a homeless person a coffee than donate money to a charity or give him food. Often my wife will buy dog food for homeless people's dogs and I'm glad I can't begin to count how many hot chocolates I've walked out of my way, stood in line and paid an over inflated price for just to give to less fortunate people on a cold and wet day.

My wife said the issue is people that have had everything handed to them expect everything handed to them and instead of accepting something they kick up a fuss, point fingers and waste everyone's. time and energy over nothing. What this world needs is humanity and not the race of people out for themselves... Name one other creature as selfish, evil and disgusting as a human?

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