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RBS, Have I read this correctly

iain m

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They do have the money, the losses are paper reserves. They have plenty of OUR money.


Of course they are also avoiding paying tax. I doubt that all the reserves being made will be called on so as I said above as soon as the government sell our shareholding they will re-evaluate the reserves and show huge profits.

And pay themselves a huge fat bonus and give themselves a nice pay rise


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And pay themselves a huge fat bonus and give themselves a nice pay rise Scandalous!!


Does any of this really matter?

Tomorrow the sun will shine..

We`ll all hope the weather for the weekend is good for a blat.

Our families will still love us.

Next week we will all have forgotten about RBS

Come on guys who really cares......Not me for sure.

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Thieving ba*tards the lot of em


Will say no more than that


Bob :(

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Always makes me proud to work in banking! If only I had a mega bonus.


Yeah and so you should be.

My mate works for Lloyds TSB and just got £70k bonus.Good for him I say.

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I believe they have limited bonus's to just one years salary.




Bob :(

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Yeah and so you should be.

My mate works for Lloyds TSB and just got £70k bonus.Good for him I say.

I only earn about half that including my bonus! My Dad worked for Lloyds his entire career and had shares once worth about £100k. Not quite worth that now :(

Edit: I actually proud to work for who I do. Not so much of the industry. I don't really think the top people are worth their salary (with or without bonus) but that's the market.

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  Does any of this really matter?Tomorrow the sun will shine..We`ll all hope the weather for the weekend is good for a blat.Our families will still love us.Next week we will all have forgotten about RBSCome on guys who really cares......Not me for sure.

Seeing as the general public have bailed out the banks with money from income tax, I do care, and frankly it is plain wrong. To receive a bonus when not making or declaring profit is unacceptable IMO

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Ah...thank goodness for forums,democracy ,free speech and BIG FAT bonuses.

My wife has been on garden leave for 14 months.....still got fat share allocation(in safe US Dollars) and big bonus....That`s why I don`t care....When in the office she worked hard,really hard,regardless of the profits her company make,she deserves her pay for 100% commitment.She pays tax as do the employees who work for RBS and received good bonuses.

IMHO I`d rather they got the money than benefit scroungers.....

You can please some of the people all of the time,all the people some of the time etc.etc.

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If they spend their bonus money in the uk (after the uk takes 40% of it!) then even better.


This is still the best country in the World to live in (Norman ????) so why not spend it all here.

We do !!!!

Apart from holidays.

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I think that he city bonus culture is quite poorly presented in the media.


In many financial institutions bonuses are used not as a way of giving people more money but a way of keeping base salaries lower and to facilitate greater differentiation amongst employees between good and bad performance.


Let's say the industry norm for a position is a total package is £75k - rather than a £75k salary most good companies will now have a £50k salary and a £25k contractual bonus linked to quite clear targets. 


It keeps people performing and stops them being promoted to a level that they can't go back from and also lowers costs of firing people.


I think many businesses and also public sector would benefit from lower salaries and more performance related pay.

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The senior banking execs that receive the general distaste of the public don't receive a bonus on a discretionary basis.  Their bonuses are contractual and based on whatever targets are specified, maybe profits but not necessarily.  


So they could potentially receive a bonus irrespective of the state of the financial accounts.  And why should they give up what they are contractually entitled to?  After all it's the basis on which they were employed and the target that they will have met.  Would you then forgo a bonus because there was a section of pubilic opinion that felt that the amount was obscene or it was in some way immoral?


So if we are talking about execs that are culpable for one of the many scandals that we have had the pleasure of entertaining recently (which is why people get quite emotive on the subject) then that's fine but I don't think any names have been mentioned here.


Just thought I'd offer a little balance here, before I get shot down in flames.. :oops:

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I am going to go against the grain here but, there are thousands of people who knowingly signed for the PPI and have had the protection it afforded and now have had it all back.

Huge bonus payments are good, so long as proper fiscal controls are in place. On one million bonus 50% is paid straight of in tax, plus NI IIRC is a further 8% they then spend the remainder and usually pay 20% vat on any puchases, so the goverments tax take is huge, how is this bad?


With RBS the goverment has allowed them to write down the bad debt that the new managers are dealing with. Part of the reason they can do this is because the people who are now getting a bonus have used the money at their disposal well and have hit there targets, but again the £600 million will in main come back as tax.


We need to stop bashing the bankers and get the economy working. We cannot do that without bankers no matter how much dislike there is for them, we need them. Every singl one of us who has a pension or investments will be p******** of if they made no money.

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