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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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  4. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  1. My wonderful girlfriend decided to have a go at painting my Westfield. I love how it's turned out so thought I would share it with you guys. She's so talented!
    40 points
  2. I've just popped this on my blog but thought it might be better served here to generate some well mannered lock down debate. Or name calling, any kind of interaction will do nowadays! It will possibly be a bit patronising in places as we already know what Westfields are like, so apologies for that. My thoughts on owning a ‘big power’ Westfield With a few years of a 340bhp Westfield under my belt, I’ve found myself more and more hinting others against such levels of power. I did have the word “advising” rather than hinting in there, but that’s not fair as I don’t think a big power Westfield is a bad thing. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s just a very different thing to when it was a middling power Westfield. Given that I’m strongly considering a rather dramatic change of direction for my car, I thought it best to write down my thoughts on what it’s meant, even if just for my own benefit. I’ll approach a few of the more popular themes when someone mentions a rather silly bhp for a Westfield “It’s a handful on the road” Well, I suppose if it’s a track only car, which mine has been for a couple of years, that doesn’t really matter. However, when it had an MOT, it was a fantastic road car. I never had to change gear to find a higher speed, just ride the massively flat torque curve. It’s a ridiculously docile car which, aside from a slightly grabby clutch (more OEM feeling ones that handle the power are available), could probably be driven by just about anyone. It’s about the furthest from a handful that you can get. What you can’t do, however, is work it on the road. It is far too quick for us mere mortals to be aware of hazards, correct the car over any bumps, change gear, process what’s going on around you, have to change gear again and even by the time you’ve read this, you’re significantly above any speed limits or indeed speeds where you’d survive and accident. To that end, it does stop being a Westfield, and become the world’s smallest GT car. Great and smoothing out the corners and cruising up to the next one with the gentlest of squeezes of the throttle. Thoroughly dangerous when deploying all of the horses. This is not a bad thing. In some ways it’s positive because you tend to drive slower and smoother, and you already know that you genuinely are the fastest thing on the road and have nothing to prove. The person with a 150bhp Westfield accelerating hard for 15 seconds between corners might be having more fun though. “You can’t keep it cool” More power, more heat. More revs, more heat. Can’t really escape that one. A Westfield also doesn’t have a lot of ways of getting rid of that heat. The bonnet opening is filled by a radiator originally specced to cool a 1.0 Polo. Now we’re trying to use the same area to cool a power output a comedy factor more than said Polo. This is where you spend your money. The radtec radiator/intercooler combo was the single biggest investment in the turbo projects and it’s fulfilled its role beautifully. These are the coolant and intake temps recorded over a track session that must have had 26 minutes of full speed work. That was on one of those rare summer days with actual sun as well, so mid 20s plus the sunshine baking the tarmac. Those peaks are within 1.5 degrees of each other – to handle that for all that length of time is particularly impressive. Though of course, I deserve more praise for staying out there that long. I’d say one of the benefits of having a large amount of power is also that you can afford to lose some. My engine runs a tiny bit rich precisely to provide a little bit of cooling assistance. “Turbo engines are laggy, peaky and difficult to drive” You tend to see these comments from the older generation, and that’s fair enough… they’ve driven 80’s turbos and, frankly, they’ve earned that opinion! None of it holds true nowadays though. The very modern turbo engines are impressively responsive. I think the only criticism you can throw at them nowadays is they don’t tend to rev that high anymore. My car sits in the middle of those two extremes. It’s not laggy, it’s not peaky and it’s easy to drive. It also revs to 7.4k and makes power all the way there. But it’s not as responsive as something like an EcoBoost when lower in the rev range. Fine on track, but I do think it would be a bit frustrating on the road. Then I suppose, we’ve already decided that the throttle is to be used sparingly on the road. Also, is it any worse than an N/A engine with cams aimed for top end power? Back to throttle response on track, it’s fine. You don’t wait for the power to come in. You don’t wait for the boost to build. It’s all there if you ask for it. Take the following graph of throttle position (blue), boost (red) and RPM (beige?): This shows the entry into a chicane, balancing the throttle through it and powering out of it. The throttle has been off for 4 seconds before this, suggesting I’ve caught a car up and it let me past on the exit. You can see the first input into the throttle produces an instant response from the turbo, and this is from 3.3k rpm so reasonably low for track work. This tracks the throttle position until the second application, where by the turbo responds again but is held back once it reaches the actuator level. Here, because the RPMs are in the mid range, the boost level is reduced to manage that massive lump of torque turbos like to give. Perhaps the reason they’re often described as peaky. The boost is now following a rising limit to keep the torque curve as flat as possible. At the gear change, the throttle is off 100% for 0.5 seconds. The boost follows this, taking 0.6s to achieve 21psi again. Which yes, is higher than it was originally set but crucially, not higher than it has been mapped for. Either way, I think that’s plenty responsive enough. So what do I think? Big power doesn’t ruin a Westfield. I’m 100% confident in that. What it does do though, at least for mere mortals, is change it. I’ve found that corners on track are mere obstacles to be cleared ready for the next application of power. Get the car slowed down (no mean feat!), turn in, get it roughly near the apex, balance the throttle, wait for it to straighten out, then deploy the power down the straight ready for the next corner. It’s made me lazy in many respects. On a sequence of close together corners or chicanes, I won’t be taking stabs of throttle between them. Just a gentle squeeze to smoothly get me to the next one without arriving too quickly and giving myself too much to do. Quite the difference to when I had 150-160bhp on throttle bodies. I suppose in that respect it’s ironically safer on track as you don’t tend to go hunting for those extra tenths. You don’t need to. It’s probably quite telling that since fitting a turbo, I’ve never spun on track. I’ve gone straight on at corners more than once! But never spun it. There is only ever one thing quicker than me on a track, and that’s a lighter, less powerful Westfield/Caterham. They’re usually on slicks, so a more serious effort than mine, but typically 100bhp or more down on me. And if they’re quick enough to catch me up despite the deficit on the straights, it shows how much I waste through the corners by not applying the throttle or pushing the car. Which isn’t speed I’m wasting, it’s fun and personal reward. I’ve had a lot of fun with my Westfield, and I don’t regret any of the options and even at my most modest I think I’ve done a really good job of breaking the 300bhp barrier in the right way. Even if I never actually meant to. But I’ve had my fun now, and it’s time for a change. For a long time now I’ve wanted to build another, knowing what I’ve learned over the last 7 years. So I’m going to rebuild this one, with less power, and more revs, and less weight, and more noise. Goodbye gentle beast. Hello bl**** idiot. That’s an RX-8 231 engine. It’s going to rev to 10k+, it’s going to breathe fire, it’s going to drink fuel like it's a water wheel and confine me to the noisy step on track days… and every now and again… it might even work!
    32 points
  3. Afternoon all, Nick here from TigerRacing, due to unfortunate events it’s with great sadness that Westfield has gone into administration, even though it’s a competitor it’s always sad to see company’s in this industry go under especially a company as big as Westfield. That being said we also understand the great stress owners / builders of westfields will now be under. So here at Tiger we’d like to extend a helping hand to anyone with a Westfield who’s struggling for bits or parts, MOT’s or anything else. We know the fall out from this is going to affect many enthusiasts and we don’t like to see the community struggle. King regards, The Tiger Racing team
    32 points
  4. Just to update everyone, Simeon Cattle, the General Manager at Westfield Chesil has sent me an updated press release with where they're up to and the plans for 2023 as they currently stand. It's great to see amongst many, many other things, some familiar faces have been retained, which will help bring knowledge and experiance of the brand, through to the current company.
    29 points
  5. Got our wedding photos through today. This is one of my faves!
    29 points
  6. So today we managed to start my dads (don homer) westfield up. For the first time i got behind the wheel, started it up and drove it out onto the drive. We cleaned and polished it. Hope ive done my dad proud. Hopefully next weekend i can practice on one of the car parks.
    29 points
  7. Got this great characture from my daughter today
    27 points
  8. This year The Air Ambulance was the nominated charity for the Stoneleigh show. As some of you will have read in @Julie Hall - AO Representative, Peak District AO winter 2016 WW report we sadly lost member Ian Welch aka 'Molestrangler' in 2016. We asked Ian's wife Pat to nominate a Charity of choice and she chose The Air Ambulance. So we collected donations at Stoneleigh by selling tea, coffee, biscuits and crisps. We were also very generously given 8 charity drift rides by @Westfield Parts Dept @Julian Turner - Westfield Sportscars Ltd @Simon Westwood - Westfield Sportscars Ltd Westfield Sports cars Ltd which were raffled off over the weekend. We have managed to raise a total of £542.49p A very big Thank You to all who donated we were never expecting to raise this amount so all the fun of the weekend at Stoneleigh 2017 has also helped a very worthy cause.
    25 points
  9. Wishing all our members, sponsors, traders and friends a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!
    24 points
  10. My recent submission for the calendar 😁
    23 points
  11. I thought I would share my cake with you! Its superb!
    23 points
  12. Greetings from Germany. Capture taken during one of last rides this year. cheers, Udo.
    22 points
  13. Just posted on Facebook, the team at Tiger have offered a helping hand to people who are mid build.
    22 points
  14. Not the most exotic location for some car photos (my driveway) but having the car out and being driven in late December in the mountains of Montana, USA is a big deal. I skied yesterday and went for a blat today. Not bad. I wanted to show off my new front suspension courtesy of Siltech Racing. I was running the stock narrow track Westfield A arms and I opted for the +35 mm kit from Siltech. It installed beautifully and was super easy to set up. I love the simple camber adjustment that comes with this set up. I’ve had it on the road a number of times and I’m very impressed with how supple yet grounded it feels. It really does breathe with the road while at the same time it feels hunkered down and stuck to the floor. I will no doubt be quicker racing next year with this configuration. I finished it off with a new ARB (swaybar in American) of my own design and manufacture. It’s running in oillite bronze bushings and the lightweight end links (also my own work) are clamped in place by clamps made with the good folks at Clear Motorsport. As you can see there’s snow on the ground here but the roads were dry today so I couldn’t resist taking it out for what could be the last time this year seeing as more snow will be here soon. It’s good to have this stuff mostly set up and benchmarked so it will be ready in the spring for next year’s race season. Thank you Siltech and Clear. Dave
    22 points
  15. Had a night last night I’d rather not ever repeat. I underwent surgery last Friday to repair an umbilical hernia that was getting close to needing emergency surgery, so caught it just in time - although I could have done without having the anaesthetic through my spine and being conscious throughout the procedure. It was successful, anyway. Part of the fun of having abdominal surgery is that your colon takes great exception to being violated, and gets its own back by shutting down. Thus since last Friday, I’ve been enduring an unwelcome visitation from the Poo Prevention Fairy. There’s very little you can do about it except ride it out, but it’s pretty uncomfortable to say the least. The medical advice is to wait a few days before trying a laxative. By the end of yesterday, three and a half days in, I was ready to try anything, so out came the Ducolax to act as an eviction order against the non-travellers in my colon. About 2:45 this morning I was awoken by a noise coming from my guts which I last heard in The Exorcist when Linda Blair was possessed, and felt a pressure near the termination of my outflow pipe that was unmistakable in intent. I hobbled to the loo as quickly as I could without releasing the toxic monster and just managed to take my place in the driver’s seat of the porcelain bus when a gust of wind emanated from my tailpipe that sounded like Satan summoning his demonic army home for a pep talk. This was followed by something I can only describe without revulsion as the worst log flume ride in the world, ever. It went on for so long I thought I’d end up on the floor and flat as a piece of paper, completely empty inside. One of the dogs came in, wrinkled its nose in disgust at the smell and left me to my fate in mid-process. This was interspersed with belches strong enough to move the curtains. All this went on 20 minutes and when it finally stopped, I managed to struggle back to bed at 315...only to repeat it all over again at 500. I only wish I’d weighed myself before the non-travellers were evicted to see how much weight I’d lost. So folks, if you think your day is a bit s**t, my literally already has been. Thought I’d share as it’s always fun to laugh at the misfortunes of others.
    22 points
  16. Time to put a rumour to bed (probably started by @Scott Young (Captain Colonial) - Club Secretary 😉) I'm not a saggy, old cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams! I've never named any of my cars and I didn't name this one! Someone else did....read on........ on the 6th Nov 2014, I visited Westfield Sports Cars for the first time and placed an order for a Mega S2000 full kit with White bodywork (having tested and bough a S2000 engine and gearbox that morning). I've had previous white cars: As I started my build, I soon learned that I'd need to fit indicator pods on my nose cone to meet IVA requirement. Post IVA I planned to move the indicators to under the headlamps. I therefore didn't want to drill holes in my nice new white nose cone to have to fill them later on. @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman kindly offered to lend my his spare nose cone which already had holes for the pods. It was bright yellow and was slightly damaged. Dave suggested it would need repairing and painting for IVA, so I asked if he wanted it painted the same colour as it was, the same colour as his blue S2000 or white. Dave said, do whatever I want or even do something daft! A quick google and a found a colour I liked. As the father of two girls, it was a colour I was comfortable with. A quick photoshop mock up and I was happy: Dave's nose was quickly repaired and painted for 'mates rates' by a friend in a body shop. On the 17th March 2016, I was 'followed' by this car, all the way to my IVA Test As I was unloading, the Examiner came across to say hello and said that he likes Westfield's and they are usually well built for IVA, though he had to ask 'Why have you painted your nose pink?" My reply "So you won't want it in your test bay for long, and you won't want it back!' This set the tone for an enjoyable morning and I walked out with a pass. Shortly after I got home, the indicator pods 'fell off' and the nose cone holes were filled in. It wasn't quite time for my pink phase to end. My unique car had gained plenty of WSCC fans (Especially @CosKev) during my build and they needed to see it in the flesh. Also a certain 'kit car show' was close by: Also a run out to my local Cheshire and North Staffs WSCC Meet, which was sharing the pub with the Ferrari owners club: If you zoom in, you'll spy an 'ouch' sticker over my attempt to fill/paint the holes. Here's it next to @lloydox (builder) @fildyke(current owner) lovely S2000, for my Geometry set-up. On the 19th June 2016 (Father's Day)- I was attending a local transport festival. I put my full size front number plate on( @marcusb honestly, officer!) , and less than 3 miles from home, as soon as my speed went passed 30mph, it fell off and got driven over! It's been in the boot since! During my build, after the nose colour was decided, I'd noticed that my local bus company had taken design inspiration from me and stickered up their fleet! So as it was Father's Day, I though I best visit my local bus depot for a 'Father and Son' Selfie: After IVA I also fitted one of @Kit Car Electronics excellent Free Wheel kits. In the press of a button the end of pink...........or is it.............. My car ran like this from 21st June 2016 until July 2017 and the pink nose went back to @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman as a spare. Every time the garage door was rolled up, I did miss the pink nose. Fate was about to play it's hand. @Greenstreak-Andy D invited @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman and I to his 50th Birthday celebration at the 2017 Le Mans 24H, which was to be our first Euroblat. The trip was excellent and after the race, rather than rush back home we had a few more additional days bimbling round northern France. On one of these days I had an 'Oh la, la ' moment after a long hot, tiring day with a dry stone wall on our hotel carpark, whilst reversing, I failed to note how close my rear driver's side wing was to the abutment on the wall. Which resulted in: It didn't ruin the great trip, but wasn't going to stop like that. My wife, kindly suggested it wouldn't rust and could stay like that! I'd done similar but less significant damage to the passenger side arch on my own driveway, when reversing without mirrors during my build and had badly bodged it with gelcoat. So both wings needed to be repaired properly. Time for some colour & with some help from Photoshop, I was stuck between these two colours: @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman kindly agreed to sell me the pink nose, the rear wings were removed and all items went back to my friend to be repaired and painted. I 'really' enjoyed removing the silicon sealant used to hold the stone guards on with. The first meet with my new colour scheme was the excellent Gold Cup at Oulton Park in Aug 2017 You'll notice the 'ouch' stickers still on the nose cone, my friend in the Body Shop had a holiday to go on, and the nose had to wait a while longer. In Sep 2017, I attended a Peak District Meet at Tatton Airfield, and during lunch the discussion turned to a name for my car. @Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup) was mentioned and I stupidly suggested 'Primrose' in jest (I was quickly corrected by the green fingered ones amongst us that they are yellow too ). @Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative blurted out 'Bagpuss' in between chomps of cake and the name has stuck ever since. She shortly after gifted my bonnet ornament of the stuffed toy and most in the club started to refer to me as Bagpuss too. So I've not fought it! I've been called much worse 😉
    21 points
  17. Days later and still buzzing from the trip! I love the amount of yellow at the top of the Stelvio Pass
    21 points
  18. After a very frustrating wet winter, being furloughed allowed me to get started on the facelift on my Westie. Going for a full Martini livery. I am using vehicle wrap as I don't want this to be permanent. The FW poses a great many challenges with its curves and manipulating the substrate, especially on the rear. It doesn't help that NOTHING on these cars is symmetrical! lol I have designed and drawn on the files myself in Illustrator, currently working on a trick version of the Westfield Logo.
    21 points
  19. Last year I had Buttercup rebuilt by Luke at Playskool. I am extremely happy with the work Luke carried but the work was all hidden below the bodywork. I felt that the body was letting the car down a little as there where various marks and scuffs from her 19 years. I did discuss with Luke about having a new body but I decided this option wasn't for me. I also thought about wrapping but again decided against it. I saw a car that had been painted by Aaran on this forum, and through the owner I made contact with Aaran. I had various conversations with him and travelled down to Horncastle so we could agree what needed to be done and a price. On the day of taking her down, I was still unsure if I really wanted or needed the work to be done but after collecting the car, I am so pleased that I had the work carried out. I cannot thank Aaran of AJ Restorations enough for his work and attention to detail. Here is a link with plenty of pictures in case you would like to have a look. <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmedia%2Fset%2F%3Fset%3Da.1197658287079801%26type%3D3&width=500" width="500" height="745" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
    21 points
  20. I snapped this photo a little while back to submit to the calendar contest and it's one that wasn't chosen. But I like it and it shows well what my little corner of Montana looks like. It's a sparsely populated part of the USA and "rush hour" generally means that cowboys are driving their herd from one side of the road to another. There's some awesome twisty back road driving here. dave
    20 points
  21. Daughter was flicking through my pics last night. She asked me if all Westies get their own colour coded bins?
    20 points
  22. It's fall here in Montana which means it can be 65° and sunny (like when I took these photos a few days ago) or it can be 30° and snowing like it is today. We've gotten a foot (30 cm) so far and it's still coming down. That makes the memory of taking these sunset photos a few days ago all the more special. The snow will melt in a few days and it will be time for a cool weather blat before real winter arrives. dave
    20 points
  23. Dartmoor, just back on the road after a 22 year rest.
    20 points
  24. Stopping for a rest to admire the view from the top of Sychnant pass. The scenery is not bad as well.
    20 points
  25. I've started a discussion amongst the committee re what "we" as a Club can do. One thing I would say though, some of the suggestions would result in massive changes to the Club, pushing us in opposing directions to some of those suggested in the membership thread, so very careful consideration is required. - please, that isn't a cue to begin debate here, there will be time for that, and we will open up a specific thread. I just wanted to update the membership, so that you know we are considering/looking into options, should a buyer not come forward for the factory as is.
    20 points
  26. Thread resurrection.....................with good news. After 5 years and against all the odds, it's back home! Got to thank pete g again for talking me into posting a lost/stolen ad on a couple of sites. One of which has sat there all this time and finally paid dividends!
    20 points
  27. We moved house a couple of years ago into a big place and on my list was a dream workshop to spend retirement when it comes. Of course now Im working more than ever. Its my happy place
    20 points
  28. Thank you to all who attended and helped out, another great weekend of Westfielding as Clarkson would say 😎
    19 points
  29. Westfield Power - we went for a ride and Wife wanted to visit local bakery etc shop. Was closed but when Lady saw Westfield - she opened for us
    19 points
  30. Heading back home from Dartford to Crewkerne the other night in the tin top, a rather large black 4x4/truck roared up behind me on a dual carriageway section of the A303. I was travelling at a reasonable lick myself, and could not easily pull over to let him through as the left lane was busy. The traffic in front slowed a bit so he proceeded to repeatedly drop back then race up behind me to within about 6 inches of my bumper, flashing his lights, not pleasant. All I could do was maintain a steady pace and hope he didn’t actually ram me. After a while, I was able to pull into the inside lane safely and he overtook, then pulled in front and brake tested me; something I was fully expecting so was well prepared. This is where the story becomes more positive and faintly amusing. As he headed off towards a roundabout, a dark blue Volvo estate pulled alongside me, the passenger window came down and the guy indicated to me to slow down a bit ( I did say reasonable lick!) They then headed off keeping up with the truck but in a fairly subtle manner. As we came off the roundabout, there was a convenient lay-by and the blue lights came on the Volvo and Mr Big Truck was nicked! I made eye contact with the driver as he got out; I don’t like to gloat but it was a satisfying moment. I hope they did him for dangerous driving, as that’s what it was.
    19 points
  31. On a closed road in the Peak District
    19 points
  32. OK, so I've been doing some digging and research through old receipts, packaging etc and picking peoples brains where possible to try and pull together a snap shot of "what came from where" at the factory. Hopefully this was all still current at the end, but without speaking to each of them I can't confirm. Note the list is provided "as is". I haven't been in communication with any of these guys, their details come from Google. I would suggest, if you want to try and see if you could obtain anything directly from one, start a thread here on the forum first, and see if you can get a few of you together, before contacting them. Goodwill, given they may be placed in awkward situations by the factory closing, may evaporate quickly if a couple of dozen people ring for the same thing! Suspension: Nitron (direct, dampers) Tel: (0)1993 849449 Sales@nitron.co.uk Protech (direct, dampers) Tel: (0)1225 705553 Steering Racks: Kiley - Clinton Engineering Ltd Tel: (0)121 772 8000 main info web site, https://steering-racks.co.uk/ Uprights, brakes etc. Hi Spec (complete front upright assy, inc upright, hub, brake callipers and disc. Rear uprights) Tel: 01322 286 850 sales@hispecmotorsport.co.uk Driveline: Power Torque (OEM Ford engines) Tel: (0)2476 635 757 info@powertorque.co.uk Vitesse Ltd (OEM Mazda driveline, inc the adaptors for the diff) Tel: +44 (0)1455 611230 sales@vitesse-ltd.com Helix Motorsport (Clutches, Pressure plates etc) (0)1295 701076 sales@helix-autosport.com J&R (Rear lobro CV joints, outer rear stub shafts) Tel 0121 770 5636 enquiries@jandrcvjoints.co.uk Omex ECU - recently changed hands, suggest contacting @LiamMc at Tornado Systems Ltd, they're an Omex dealer Silencers/manifolds Birchills Automotive Tel: 01922 628 379 sales@birchillsautomotive.com (Main supplier?) JP Exhausts Tel: (0) 1625 619916 sales@jpexhausts.co.uk Radiators/Intercoolers Coolex Heat Transfer Ltd Tel: (0)115 9423344 info@coolexperts.co.uk Radtech Tel: 01543 502525 gd@radtec.co.uk Chassis/fabrication Caged/Laser (Cages, half Cages, wishbones, fabricated items, chassis) Tel: 01761 239 133 info@cagedlaser.co.uk Electrical Maxparts (Switches, wiper kits, lights electrical sundries, - many of the small parts, in fact) Tel: (0)1252 512 148 sales@maxparts.biz Interior/Exterior soft trim. Cobra (seats and interior) Tel: (0) 1952 684020 GB Classic Trim (Half Hoods) Tel: (0) 2476 325 928 info@gbclassictrim.com Brown and Geeson (Momo Wheels) Tel: (0) 1268 764411 TRS (Harnesses) Tel: (0) 1302 750800 sales@trs-motorsport.com Bodywork AJ Glassfibre Tel: (0) 1977 60 36 51 info@ajglassfibre.co.uk Windscreens Pilkington (glass only, the frames were always done by a small style operation, local to the factory, I've never been able to find out more) - couldn't find the contact info, they're hidden behind info request forms, the Westfield part numbers are in the Automotive Classics section. https://www.pilkington.com/en-gb/uk/automotive/classic-cars-home/makes-and-models/all-makes-and-models?make=westfield As before, the list isn't exhaustive, and do remember that a. some of these companies may be owed money, b. may not be able to release products for which Westfield have the IP to you. But there they are, worth a try.
    19 points
  33. Okay so even by my standards today was chilly but an epic day out, the roads were mostly fine ish, some had snow and ice and on the way home the lumsden / cabrach road had snow higher than the westy at the sides !! So as I was on my own I went out over the Lecht, corgarf and over to Ballater and to Aboyne then it was the old military road over the Cairn o mount to the the Clatterin Brig cafe for lunch. Suitably warmed and fed it was back over the hill toward Aboyne , Alford and home over the Cabrach Absolutely brilliant to be out and a cracking finale to the holidays
    19 points
  34. Dads Westy sporting its new Mini lites
    19 points
  35. As a lot of us are facing lockdown 2 and some people might be struggling with it, I thought as one of the quietest members of the community that I should write in this post because it feels relevant to me. I often want to reply to threads and be more active but often just lack to confidence to type anything and I feel I want to explain by sharing with you all. Where would I begin to even start, I'm sorry for droning on but maybe me, sitting here typing this may one day help. I hope someone will actually be interested enough to read this and that this part of my life that I'm going to share will help someone else who feels like I do. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder quite a long time ago 15 years ish now, I actually was assigned an amazing psychiatrist that quickly found me some medication that kept me balanced out and thought that was it. I guess for me all the trouble started when I met someone who changed my world totally. We'd met through work, she'd just come out of another relationship and what both of us didn't know when we did meet was that she'd just fallen pregnant with her ex's child. So I stayed with her I adored her and nothing would take me away from her, I helped her to make her pregnancy as comfortable as possible, helped her raise the little boy and treated him like my own. Things were really difficult but we found a way or I thought we were, my work meant I was in London most days and living in Essex on weekdays and our place was near the Welsh border, 3.5 hours in the car each way. A bit further down the line my mum collapsed one evening, she was rushed to hospital and had suffered a massive hemorrhage type stroke, the doctors put her chance of survival at 10% and scarily her chance of surviving without major disabilities at 3%. A month into this my Girlfriend decided she'd be better off without me and ended our relationship, but she wouldn't fully let me go. Between her and all what was going on with my mum I became exhausted, my average day with work included became a 20 hour day after I'd gone to see mum and I certainly couldn't give my girlfriend the time I needed to. So I moved back in permanently to my parents and nearly exactly 2 years to the day my mum got sick, she came back home!. She made fantastic progress and became one of the 3% of cases that made a good recovery. She still needs a mobility scooter to go any real distances but truly a miracle how well she's done. So after a rough few years I decided to start chasing my dreams in life, I felt I'd given up a lot in life to help my mum so it was time to enjoy life, I ordered the westie to fulfil a childhood dream! One of the dreams of mine was ever since it launched was to go on a specific cruise ship. Independence of the Seas, It was home porting in the UK so I took the bull by the horns and booked my entire family aboard for 2 weeks to explore the med. It was a really special time however all I could think about was having my ex and the little man with me. I was there, lucky enough to live my dream, yet I hated every minute of it because it all felt empty. We then went to Russia on another cruise this time following one of my mums dreams, and once again the huge hole of the pair of them dominated everything. Once again I felt totally empty and alone in a void. As time has gone on, the emptiness stays it never goes, the more empty things feel the less I feel able to talk about things. I can be pretty good at hiding my emotions to most people. I got back in touch with the ex because my boss told me she was in a spot of trouble, she sends me pictures of the not so little man now, I even got to see a video of his school assembly, and I'm so incredibly proud of him but that's overwhelmed by the huge amount of guilt I feel for not being there for him over the years. I wanted to be but she wouldn't let me be there and its difficult because no matter how much I wish I am I'm not his dad. It's broken me to just know he'll never really know me or who I am. Life to me has seemed to evolve into a struggle everyday between two massive forces of wanting the emptiness to stop and ending it and the will to keep on going. So I just try to keep things in balance, even right now the westie just seems like a mistake, it failed its IVA because of emissions and brake balance, just feels like the end of the world. Hopefully I've fixed it to get it through its retest but I don't feel confident in myself at all. Just emptiness and a lack of anything inside. Anyways if anyone has read this thank you for taking the time, I wish I could write more on here and feel more part of the community, most days I don't feel I belong anywhere really and I hope you all understand a bit why I'm so quiet. So if I can ever be a friendly non judgmental ear to anyone then my door will never be closed and I hope everyone is looking after themselves through the new lockdowns as they can be somewhat tough!
    19 points
  36. Many people know mine is called The Wench, but fewer know why. It’s because she’s colourful, flashy, noisy, demanding, hates being ignored, likes it rough, smokes a bit, drinks like a fish, strictly for amusement, prefers to have her top off, and if you’re inside her for more than an hour your bum goes numb.
    19 points
  37. Everyone loves a photo, the weather's come good the season officially here and in theory we should be out and about a bit more ...be it a track day or by the beach, so let's have a look! A recent snap of your westfield in the wild! Blat down Avon gorge and back for me on Monday night....good times
    18 points
  38. Many of you will be aware of this book, published back in 2000: Due to it being out of print for many years and rare used copies being on sale for at least £35, I decided to try to track down the authors and see if I could permission to create a digital copy for the club's archives. After quite a bit of investigation work, I finally tracked down Jeremy Bouckley today and we had a lovely long chat on the phone. Now truth be told, I know about copyright laws and my begging bowl request was rather cheeky, so I wasn't surprised or upset when he very, very politely turned my request down. On the good news front though, he is working on an updated version of the book to bring it up to current, with plans to print and sell them. I've asked him to keep in touch with me with any developments on that front so I can pass it on to the rest of the club. Fingers crossed! Oh well, it was worth a try...
    18 points
  39. Double figure temperatures and dry with not a grain of salt in sight, weren't we doing well. 6 Westfield's met at the car museum, which we just about had to ourselves. Along with Ethan we had another youngster, Dylan, with us today as Ian's guest in Bagpuss. After breakfast we went on our run through Matlock Bath along the Promenade, then Matlock Town, Bakewell, off into the wilderness and up onto the misty tops. Over Surprise View into Hathersage, Bradwell, Monsal Head to land us at Quacker's Cafe to finish. The roads were quiet and we enjoyed waving at the shoppers in the villages as we passed through. At Quacker's car park Dylan's grandparents were waiting for us to arrive, Chris and Mo fetched their Grandson, James to see us also. It's lovely to have the youngsters with us today We all went for lunch and the cakes from the on-site bakehouse We were treated by the staff to a cake platter as a thank you for the custom all year, that was nice of them, very nice. We didn't struggle to eat the extra pieces I can assure you. A fun day out, crazy but fun. Here are the rest of the photo's hope you enjoy them. The next meeting is Sat 28th Dec, 10am at the car museum, it's definitely on but if it's raining we will be in the MX5. After that we are meeting on New Years Day 10am, Carsington Water, have a great Christmas and see you on the other side x
    18 points
  40. Visited ProDev Engineering, Carmarthen to see the ex-OMEX Richard Wragg to see the finishing touches to my engine build and bring it home for installation. I can wholeheartedly recommend Richard as an engine builder who can build to his spec or adapt to a one off. As a note he supplies both Burton Power and MST with their Zetec and Duratec engines! From a 68K ex mondeo 2.0 Zetec oily lump to a rebuilt forged 8000 rpm 230 bhp zinger... just waiting on BGH uprated gearbox and its all systems go for install!
    18 points
  41. Westfield Sports Car Club. Class of 2021 Many great pictures are posted to the "Recent Snap Of Your Westfield" section on the WSCC forum. Sit back enjoy REVISITING some of those wonderful images of 2021. Looking forward to 2022
    18 points
  42. 12 hrs and 340 miles in glorious sunshine round Wales today. Absolutely epic.
    18 points
  43. Collected on Friday afternoon, start of a drive home to Paisley via a night in the Lake District.
    18 points
  44. WOW WOW what on earth did I start. I am will always be proud of all old and new members. You may not know that I am seriously ill in hospital (terminal) and want to make the most of everything.I’ve had the most fantastic life being my own boss since 1965. Done all things I wanted to do from early days Curborough to Monaco in a GP car. Anything I can help with just shout cheers chris
    18 points
  45. Had a big day yesterday collecting my new car from Scotland. Big thanks to @Rush Motorsport for the trailer hire. Its a 2005 SEiW Sport 2000 duratec. 6k miles. Lovely condition generally. It’s need MoT and tax so today I clayed, machine corrected and then machine polished it on the drive. There were lots of fine minor imperfections but I got them all to a point I’m more than happy with.....even got the thumbs up from my three year old 😀 Roll on MOT and tax now!
    18 points
  46. Snuck out for an hour this morning, it was a bit crisp n icy underneath, but lovely to get out
    18 points
  47. 18 points
  48. Here I am, 3 years after being widowed following a horrific road accident in Scotland 05-09-2015, the proud owner of my late husband's hand built Westfield 7 SE. It gives me a lot of pleasure to drive and I shall be out and about meeting people and going to my local group. Having been a biker most of my life it sure brings a smile to my face. Happy days. PS Here are some photos, she has a 1600 ford crossflow engine, bored out to 1700. Brian planned to put a ztech engine in but that was never done. She had a Ford Escort donor car and very little money was spent at the time (two small kids and a nagging wife!). I might upgrade a few things... As you can see I am possibly not the most conventional owner, if there even is such a thing. My two dogs love it. Currently, following the wipe out of my Volvo by a drunk driver. The Wez is my only car - plus a motor home. I am just back from a three month road trip of Europe to get over the death of Brian. So I have two vehicles, one extreme to the other!
    18 points
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