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February 2023



February 4th, 2023

Spend: £10.00


So what to do with the gaping big hole left by moving the fuel filler?  Fill it up with a 3D printed blank and cover it with a V8 Westfield gel badge.


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Big thanks to @Steve (sdh2903) who led the way with this and pointed me to someone who can create these gel badges in whatever colour/design you like.



February 5th, 2023

Spend: £0.00


I finally used the 3M Perfect It Gelcoat Medium Cutting Compound that I bought after trying out the Fine Compound last year and got rid of the horrible marks left by the spare wheel that used to decorate the rear of the car.


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February 20th, 2023

Spend: £33.96


Last month I removed the arch protectors and filled the holes left behind, ready to be wrapped.  What I didn't realise was that vinyl wrap really needs to be done in warm temperatures (20C or higher) otherwise the vinyl wrap turns brittle and unflexible.


So plan B.  Bought a couple of cans of FullDip Matte Black and SuperGloss peelable paint and masked off the area to be painted.  The idea being that it will last as a temporary cover which can be replaced when the outside temperatures have risen.


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About 6 coats of black and 4 coats of gloss and the result looks acceptable.  It is not as tough as I hoped for, but it will do for a few months.





February 25th, 2023

Spend: £43.95


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Inspired by a thread on the forums, and armed with some more FullDip, I set about to also give my nosecone the paint treatment.





February 26th, 2023

Spend: £11.59


Having rotated the car in the garage, I could finally reach this part of the engine bay and set about removing the superfluous heater...  the V8 generates plenty of heat already 🤣






Last month: £  4476.28

This month: £    49.50
Total:      £  4525.78

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How did you find the fluid dip? Was it straight forward (and forgiving) to apply?



It's relatively straight-forward to apply (clean surface, dust free env, etc), but it's not any different in forgiveness to apply to normal paint.  The surface prep is key and any defects in the surface will show through the paint too.  What is however easy is that it is peelable from the 1st proper layer onwards, so any mistakes can be completely undone.


But don't expect a pro paint job out of a rattle can.


It's also easily damaged in my experience, which I suspect is due to the slippery nature of gelcoat as I've seen some Youtube videos where they try to damage the surface on a regular car and it holds up quite well.

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