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Tel's Tales Curborough 24th Aug 2019

Terry Everall


Curborough 24thAug 2019


Whilst the drivers who liked hillclimbs travelled to Loton Park a few of us entered the sprint at Curborough to tackle the favoured Figure of 8. The is by far the best layout but it does take a lot of time to get through the cars and with a full entry there was a lot of hanging around between runs in the blazing heat of the sun….and boy was it HOT. In the end we finished at 1810hrs, even with a 0900hrs start, and then I faced a long 2 hour journey home. There were 7 Speed Series competitors including Jason Brown and Mick Dent who got late entries after being on the reserve list. It was good to see Jason back out after his problems at Blyton and the car is now fully repaired and fitted with new top ball joints. We had 2 practices which went ok for most of us including Del. At the start line Del was holding the battery (powerpack) at the side of the car whilst Garry started the car. Garry forgot to put his foot on the clutch or check it was in neutral and so the car jumped forward and just stopped before the rear arch hit Del. The phrase “what a plonker Rodney” must have been in Delboys mind! For P2 I made some adjustments on both mine and Steve’s H&M flashifter and that seemed to improve things. I think Del and Garry were still making adustments to their ECU/launch control and Fly by wire throttle and I saw Troy from Northampton Motor Sports roaming the paddock with his laptop. The day seemed to progress real;ly slowly and people kept hitting cones which delayed us a lot. 

On the first timed run Garry decided to see if driving over the Molehill was quicker than staying on track but it was not. Jason Brown was peddling well but chasing a hard target time. The class H guys including Mick Dent were also quite a bit off the target despite the dry and hot track. I posted my best time of 57.75secs in T1 and I could not better it in T2 but I was fastest Westfield. Pete Goulding in his single seater Ecoboost took FTD with a great drive of 52.71 secs and Del was awarded a trophy for the best presented car. 


Best times were

Jason Brown   66.81   Class C

Terry Everall    57.75   Class G

Steve Everall   68.47   Class G

Mick Dent        61.06   Class H

Garry Bunn      62.20   Class H

Derek Hodder  59.04   Class H


Pete Goulding52.71   Class J2


 By Terry Everall




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