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Swapping Xflow to Zetec in a lowline narrow body

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Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

Well its done I will get some pictures for you all soon, but here the last part of the story. Propshaft I bought a propshaft with the type 9 splined end at one end for the gearbox and had my old type 3 and escort (80mm diameter flange). The plan was to simply put the type 9 end on teh old shaft or visa versa depending on length. I put the car up on the ramps crawled under and guess what, both were too long. So a quick swear and a phone around. One company (who shall remain nameless, never bot



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

Well with pressures of work, I've not had much time to work on the car for a while. But last weekend (and a bit of this weekend) has allowed me to make some progress. Here we go. With the bonnet fitting nicely its time to add the ancillaries. Alternator Well I had a look to see if I could get the old xflow alternator into the space and the simple answer was "not without a lot of fiddling" So I bought the alternator and bracket systems from Kit-spares. Okay quite a bit of money but well wo



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

So at last I've had some time on the car, thanks to work and snow I've not done a great deal. The engine is now in. Nothing much to report except the tiger mounts are a bit short so you need spacers at the bottom to bring it up. The nearside (right as you look from the front) mount is very close to the chassis so a bit of shoving and pushing and it was in. I then measured the hole for the bonnet bulge and drew it out. Now my father has used fibreglass all his working life and I have limited ex



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

As I said in my previous posts the lowline with 60mm engine mounts will just not fit below the bonnet line. How much will it not fit, here are are the photos to show: As you can see the timing belt is just proud so I have had to cut the nosecone to fit. As for the bonnet Its sitting on the engine brackets used for the crane, these will come off but its also sitting on the top of the timing belt/rocker cover. If you were doing this with highline body I reckon it would fit fine. So bonne



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

Part 3 Fitting the engine into the car (will it fit?) First mistake, I thought "hmm gearbox oil tricky to get to, I know I'll put a litre in then I'll only have to top it off" DO NOT DO THIS! I knew I would have to tilt it to get it in but didn't realise by how much I have now wasted 1litre of oil and added a "nice smell" to my hat and drive floor. Second mistake, "I'll fit the speedo cable just as we put it in the car" This is a pain in the @rse and I'm still not certain its in right. This wa



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

Part 2 Things coming together This time hopefully more photos, So as I am swapping both engine and gearbox, I decided that it would be better to mate them together out of the car and then test the clutch etc. and then fit the whole unit to the car. First stage flywheel: Very simple job, fit the bearing for the gearbox in the hole then put flywheel on and bolt in place. I used ARP bolts with the appropriate lock n seal (comes in a handy pritt stick style now) and, arp ultra torque fastener as



Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

Hi all, This is my first blog so be gentle. Also usual disclaimer: I am an amateur builder, not a mechanic. I am working in a single garage with the usual small array of tools. I am writing this to hopefully help people thinking of doing the same in the future on a budget. Please take what I have written as this and not a "do it this way". I am certain that I will make mistakes and probably not do things the "proper way" it is "a/my way". Please feel free to comment and/or recommendations howe



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