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Quinten's Mighty Blog

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How much money can you plough into a car before the wife complains.

Entries in this blog

March 2018

March 16th, 2018 Spend: £997.40   I picked up my engine from Jody (JA Kit and Customs) today!  Complete checked over, and with most parts replaced she almost looks like she just rolled off the factory floor.     March 17th, 2018 Spend: £0.00   With the Beast from the East making a return the conditions outside and in the garage are awful.  But I'm determined to not let it spoil my rekindling with the Westfield!  Ensured the gearbox input shaft a



November 2017

November 12th, 2017 Spend: £0.00   @maurici kindly offered some free stickers on the forums, providing they ended up on a Westfield and a picture was shared on the thread.  Well, here's mine     November 18th, 2017 Spend: £0.00   Created a nice puzzle on the garage floor.         Last month: £  6379.80 This month: £     0.00             ----------+ Tota



October 2017

October 13th, 2017 Spend: £30   Nothing specific to report other than that the crank out of my spare Zetec has been tested for cracks, etc and has been given the  up.  Have been piling up parts and the last of deliveries was today, so the rebuild can finally commence!        Last month: £  6349.80 This month: £    30.00             ----------+ Total:      £  6379.80



August 2017

August 26th, 2017 Spend: £0.00   Lost a little interest in the car over the holiday period, but set myself to it today and was pleasantly surprised to discover that removing a crank from an engine is not actually that difficult.       This is the crank out of a spare engine, which, once checked, will be making it's way into my engine.   August 28th, 2017 Spend: £0.00     Fitted the oil pressure gauge that I collec



July 2017

July 1st, 2017 Spend: £0.00   Paul popped round with his extensive tool kit and we removed the head and inspected it for damages, marks and other clues.  At first the head gasket seemed ok, and so did the pistons and valves except for a clean(ish) section on cylinder 1.       Cylinder 1 also appeared to sit a little lower than it's counterpart 4.                           Af



June 2017

June 1st, 2017 Spend: £25.00   When I notified the DVLA about the engine change, I got a letter back saying that they could only accept an inspection of a garage on headed paper.  Visited a few garages today and found  V-A-G Tune Services just around the corner from work who was happy to oblige to that request.  Paperwork now off to the DVLA again, so fingers crossed!   June 11th, 2017 Spend: £0.00     Free tickets to see the GT3/4 racing at Sil



May 2017

May 7th, 2017 Spend: £16.95   After speaking to Graham about my 2nd gear selection issue one of the things I learned was that the Fuchs Titan Race Gear 90 LS differential oil I had put in my live axle with plated diff is the wrong one and that I should have used Castol B373.  Got 2L from Opie and replaced it today.   May 12th, 2017 Spend: £112.11   My new TPS (a Penny&Giles one) arrived from Spoox Motorsport yesterday and as I was "working from home" t



April 2017

April 1st, 2017 Spend: £9.00   Paul (@black st) offered to come round to see if the car was running on all cylinders and if it did, use his synchrometer to balance the throttle bodies.  After unplugging lead no 2, it was quite clear that the problem lied there.  A quick trip to Halfords to pick up a set of spark plugs was made, but they made no difference.  New coil pack ordered, but it may well be the leads.  Also had a listen at a rattle when the engine was running and this was



March 2017

March 3rd, 2017 Spend: £47.04   My boss told me to take days off or loose them at the end of the month (we can only carry 10 days over, and I've got 15 left), so today was a day off and spend in the garage.  Fitted some more Mikalor clamps and other minor bits that arrived during the week.  And then started on the big job ahead...  the electrics.  Managed to finish the exhaust side, although I am still some connectors short, but the wires are all in.   March 4th, 2017



February 2017

February 4th, 2017 Spend: £66.98   Completed engine mount alteration and now it looks like the bonnet fits, as well as having enough clearance with the alternator on the chassis.     Started on fuel lines and relocated fuel pressure regulator to the rear of the engine next to the coils by altering an IKEA fastener slightly.     Fastened the clutch and accelerator cables.  Measured up all the cooling pipe sizes so I can start ordering these



January 2017

January 3rd, 2017 Spend: £10.00   Visited local welding place Bucks Welding & Fabrication who welded a larger metal plate on the bottom of the mount so there is a better surface cover.     January 7th, 2017 Spend: £6.98   Back to the engine mount.  This time armed with some additional aluminium spacers I fixed the pedestal into its final location.  The engine is mounted!     Now concentrating on the exhaust.  Started wit



December 2016

December 5th, 2016 Spend: £17.26     Refitted the high level brake light and roll bar back onto the car.  Also connected up the high level brake light to wiring loom and tested it to make sure it has never have to come off again    December 9th, 2016 Spend: £923.00   Got a message from @windy at the beginning of the week telling my that my gearbox and diff were ready and were being dropped off at @Marto303's on Thursday.  So quickly arranged wit



November 2016

November 5th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Got the roll bar off using some heat to soften the glue and a putty knife to wedge in between bar plate and body work. Then started to work on the new carbon boot sides.     Once I got the holes right, the rest was just fine tuning. Now just the filler itself to do, but I will wait until I've been to the welder to see what is possible     November 6th, 2016 Spend: £28.98   Fixed the brake li



October 2016

October 1st, 2016 Spend: £1500.00   What's the best way to speed up the Mighty Crossflow?     You replace it with a Zetec   I bought this last month from another WSCC member after he took me out in his car with this engine in it. Complete with ECU, manifold and as much ancillaries as he could spare. 180BHP on the Northampton Motorsport rollers.   October 2nd, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Cleaned up the garage and moved stuff about so



September 2016

September 30th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Bye bye dearest         Last month: £  2312.52 This month: £     0.00             ----------+ Total:      £  2312.52



June 2016

June 18th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Cleaning the car for its attendance tomorrow at the Earls Barton Classic Car breakfast meet, I snapped my centre mirror off     Only had it for a month, so sent a snotty email to Car Builder Solution to see what they can do.   June 19th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Got up early with Q-jr     Met up with Richard and Chris     Drove for a bit picking up Mark and Jim on the



May 2016

May 1st, 2016 Sold: £20.00   The annual pilgrimage to the spiritual home of the kit car... Stoneleigh! Organised a small convoy with the Northants members   Photo courtesy of Mark Russel of Carbon-NV fame   and when we arrived there, I was told to park it at the front of the Westfield Avenue     Managed to sell my old mirrors, but gave the cycle wings and harness to the club to sell, hopefully raising some money for the WSCC support



April 2016

April 2nd, 2016 Spend: £2.25   On recommendation of the forums added a little bit of storage capacity to the car     and then spend the afternoon cleaning the first month of driving off the car again     April 10th, 2016 Spend: £4.95     Saw this in one of the old Westfield World magazines so a while back when we happen to visit our local Ikea, I bought a FLÖRT.     With a little bit of help o



March 2016

March 11th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Dotting i's and crossing t's. Fixed the issue with the shift light and applied some Sikaflex to the DRLs in the cycle wings. And then went for the first spin this year! I would have video footage to proof it, but my son pressed the record button twice instead of once, recording a still of his hand in front of the camera and nothing else   March 12th, 2016 Spend: £9.96     Swapped my scuttle bolts/nuts over



February 2016

February 7th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Armed with white spirit, brake cleaner, cloths and wire brushes attacked all the nooks and crannies to make it as clean as possible. I'm changing plans slightly; originally I was going to use carpet glue to stick the carpets down, which requires a very clean surface, but now I think I will be using Sikaflex instead as it would provide the same bond, but is a lot more forgiving on the surface prep.     Next step, making carpet



January 2016

January 17th, 2016 Spend: £0.00   Decided to finally make a start with the winter upgrades although the temperature outside made it not very pleasant. As I'll be fitting (finally!) some carpets I stripped the car of it's interior and scuttle to allow for decent access.     Ready for the next step; cleaning up the accumulation of oil, grime and grit.         Last month: £  2122.67 This month: £     0.00             ----------+



October 2015

October 29th, 2015 Spend: £0   Seeing as the weather looks to be wet and miserable I'm putting my sensible head on and put the car on SORN. Gives me plenty of time to fit those winter upgrades I've been collecting   October 31st, 2015 Spend: £0   And so the story ends for the year... To serve as a little reminder to myself, a little video I recorded earlier this month         Last month: £  2122.67 This month: £     0.



September 2015

September 6th, 2015 Spend: £25.00   Julie kindly organised a (very) small group buy on a stainless steel laser cut Westfield badge and today I fitted mine.     September 13th, 2015 Spend: £0.00   Another weekend spend to investigate why the DRLs switch off with the engine running. Have taken the brave pill and partly rewired everything so that I can access the fuses easier when the scuttle is on. Also rewired the indicator/hazard circuit, but th



August 2015

August 1st, 2015 Spend: £9.03     Fabricated a muselet which should hopefully prevent the filler cap from popping off again.   August 2nd, 2015 Spend: £1.99   Continued with fitting the DRLs and after testing it over and over again put the dash back in (had it off as much as I could without removing steering wheel) and tightened the scuttle back discovered that the DRLs would go off as soon as I started the engine... Grrr! Too late in the day to



July 2015

July 4th, 2015 Spend: £59.00   Saw these lights a while back, but could not find them anywhere for sale other than Australia. Luck would have it that one of my friends has moved there and happened to have his dad over for holidays. Had them delivered to his place and then smuggled back to the UK in his dads suitcase.     They are slightly to big for the arches, so some careful cutting/sanding with a Dremel saw them fit as well as they can.    



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