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Bob Green

Bob Green

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So terribly sad to read your post, Ray.  I didn't meet your Dad, but I know he was a generous and well-respected club member.


Our condolences to you and all of your family at this difficult time.



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Morning Ray,

Like everyone previously I'm absolutely floored by the news the ole man has passed on.He was a great guy with a good dose of funny sarcasm. I really enjoyed his banter over the years on here and at shows. He will be sorely missed by me and I'm sure the rest of the members of the WSCC who knew him.

Please send him off in style,he deserves it. Please give my condolences & wishes to the rest of the Green tribe. I know this sounds absolutely bonkers for a funeral but up and above the sadness of the service have a great day in celebrating his life and think of all the good times and enjoy it for his memory. Me and my family did this for my mum and we had a great day and she would have enjoyed us been happy in her memory


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Great words Buzz.  Best wishes to all the Greens even though I never met Bob.  God Bless you all.

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Thanks for all the comments. We are planning on celebrating my dads life at the funeral rather then having a sad day as my dad never understood why people always stand around crying at funerals :-)



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Just got back after the service at Bretby Crem.....they gave him a good send offf....he was obviously a much loved man......

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Sad I couldn't go, but couldn't shift job sites around this week.


All the best Bob, was good to have met you.

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Glad he got the send-off he earned and deserved, just sorry I couldn't have been there myself.  No doubt he's already working on a car project of his dreams up in Heaven.  Thanks Bob, and happy blatting up there!

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