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Bob Green

Bob Green

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Really sad news

My thoughts are with you and your family for your loss

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Such a sad post to read, my thoughts are with you and your family and friends fella, I never met your Dad, but like everyone else on here, I always enjoyed his posts, a very genuine man he always seemed :) may his memory live on with great fondness from family and friends alike. RIP :down:

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just thinking is there anyway we can send flowers or a donation or summat from the wscc (thoughts please),bob imho was a big part of this club and forum and had lots of freinds here ,just think it would be nice if could do something , i will be going to the funeral so dont mind helping out with logistics


also can this thread be pinned for a while


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Ray has contacted me, and is happy for any WSCC members to attend the funeral, as long as we can indicate likely numbers.  More details on the funeral will be posted by Ray on Monday.


I'll pin the thread, good idea.

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Nigel Ash has asked me to post the following on his behalf.



"I am very saddened to hear of Bob's passing away. Bob contacted me on a number of occasions to discuss photography and ask for some advice on techniques, editing & equipment. We often enjoyed in depth chats about the art and I would like to wish my sincere condolences to his family and friends"

Nigel Ash

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I can't believe I am reading this.

I only met Bob once, but we spoke on here several times, and he truely was a top bloke. I didn't even know he was ill.

Gutted doesn't cut.


Ray, sincerest best wishes to you and your family.

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very sad news :( i spoke to bob a few times at events and he sent me photos. seemed a lovely guy and was very helpfull. he will be sadly missed by all.

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Evening All,


The funeral will be Friday 1st March at 12:45 Bretby Crematorium and the address is below.


Bretby Crematorium 
Geary Lane 
Burton upon Trent 
DE15 0QE


As I have said before everyone is welcome to attend if you could just let me know via PM if you would like to come so we can account for the numbers


Thanks again



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thanks ray pm sent

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Sorry forgot to add that there will be a wake after the funeral which again everyone is welcome to attend which is just 5 minutes away from the Crematorium in a local pub/restaurant



114 Burton Road

LE65 2LP



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Really shocked to hear this news. I met Bob for the first time at the awards do where we had a chat and he sent me some fantastic pictures of me taken at Anglesea last year.

My sincere condolences to you and your family, Bob will be sadly missed.



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