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Youngsters with Westies ?


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He`s got a job, he works for me.Trouble is he`s only 20 and dads being mean ,he only takes home £340 a week and after paying his housekeeping,beer,girls and clubs ,most of it`s gone.....guess I`ll have to bite the bullet and cough up as usual,but will look at a Westie......We can say he has use of a van all week...........may help. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Wish I had £340 a week to spend on Girls, beer and clubs.

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I'm 21 but got my westie at 19, mine had a redtop in it at the time so may or may not be the power that your son would look at. Anyway, I did have a look at insuring it and Adrian Flux quoted me £1000 for 1500 miles a year, I only did one quote and I know they would at least give me a price so I bet I could of got it cheaper if I looked around.

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The younger chaps here sound quite sensible but when I think back to what I was like at 20 yrs I shudder to imagine how dangerous I would have been in a westy.

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Young Pretender - I have 17 year olds driving a 7 tonne unimog, with a 20tonne trailer behind at 55 MPH and often off road... a westy is safer IMO

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Young pretender, if we weren't reasonably sensible we wouldn't still be here to post ha ha. To be fair I wouldn't let many of my friends who are my age drive it even if they were insured.

Alexander, I've seen a couple of unimogs crashed by young pongos in a hurry to get home on a Friday. Definately better rollover protection than in a westie! Although with their C of G they certainly need it.

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I was 19 when I had my first Westfield and it was the cheapest car to insure amongst my pals at the time. I'd built it myself so probably helped the insurance premium which went from initial build cover to a road policy. I remember it was about a 1/4 of the cost of a regular car to insure at the time.

I did nearly 30,000 miles in that car in about 3 years, such was the freedom to be able to get about cheaply then. £15 to fill it up etc etc.


I don't see the problem letting a youngster loose in a powerful car, it did me no harm. It helps if you build it I guess - teaches you how to respect it mechanically. ;)  :)   

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I would never let any of my friends drive the car, my dad used to drive it but doesn't now but he is the only person I would trust with it. As Windy said it helps to build it yourself, I bought mine already built but have changed everything on the car, including putting the rx-8 engine in etc and it's all been my work so I have respect for it and feel that I deserve what I've got, still doesn't stop me kicking its face in on track though :)


I've found they go beyond a car and a toy though, mine has drawn a lot of attention from friends, family and even people I've never met and am actually using it to promote my name and open doors for my career choices.


As an everyday car to avoid insurance premiums being so high I'm not so sure, purely down to practicality reasons more than anything. And what is your lad like? Is he the type to respect the car and drive sensibly or is he a Barry Big Balls that will show off and crash?

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As with anything, the more experience you have the less prone to mistakes you become. So personally I wouldn’t allow those that are more prone to mistakes in something that doesn’t offer them or those around them suitable protection. I know this is generalising and that there will be a minority of newer drivers who probably are sensible enough but I don’t see how you can differentiate. Incidentally, I think that allowing 16yr olds on the road on mopeds is insanity.

I know people will have different views on this but that’s where I sit.

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 I bought mine already built but have changed everything on the car, including putting the rx-8 engine in etc and it's all been my work so I have respect for it 


As an aside - is there a thread or write up of this? I like the idea of rotary engines in Westfields

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He`s got a job, he works for me.Trouble is he`s only 20 and dads being mean ,he only takes home £340 a week and after paying his housekeeping,beer,girls and clubs ,most of it`s gone.....guess I`ll have to bite the bullet and cough up as usual,but will look at a Westie......We can say he has use of a van all week...........may help. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


Tell him to give up the beer clubs and girls then, gotta make choices in life, which does he want more, dont give in so easy man! :d life isnt meant to be easy, or fun apparently haha :d 

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As an aside - is there a thread or write up of this? I like the idea of rotary engines in Westfields


I've never made a thread about it on here, don't know what section it would belong in if I made one. Open to questions or whatever about it though.

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As with anything, the more experience you have the less prone to mistakes you become. So personally I wouldn’t allow those that are more prone to mistakes in something that doesn’t offer them or those around them suitable protection. I know this is generalising and that there will be a minority of newer drivers who probably are sensible enough but I don’t see how you can differentiate. Incidentally, I think that allowing 16yr olds on the road on mopeds is insanity.

I know people will have different views on this but that’s where I sit.

Wonderded why you`ve got the problem with 16 year olds.My 6 year old daughter has a Honda crosser and a quad and my 8 year old a couple  of KTMs.My 20 year old son had a couple of mopeds and a couple of 125s on the road.Cheap transport and a lot of fun....bit like a Westie...where`s the insanity ?

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I was 19 when I had my first Westfield and it was the cheapest car to insure amongst my pals at the time. I'd built it myself so probably helped the insurance premium which went from initial build cover to a road policy. I remember it was about a 1/4 of the cost of a regular car to insure at the time.

I did nearly 30,000 miles in that car in about 3 years, such was the freedom to be able to get about cheaply then. £15 to fill it up etc etc.


I don't see the problem letting a youngster loose in a powerful car, it did me no harm. It helps if you build it I guess - teaches you how to respect it mechanically. ;)  :)   

Thanks for this posting....RESPECT...that`s a very good point.....I don`t think a 20 year old would have the same respect for a Clio for instance, as he would a Westie he`d helped to create.therefore, maybe he`d drive it with care.

On the other hand though he might go bonkers like we do!!!!

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