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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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bl**** ell mate, admire your commitment, now as hard as it is, take everyones advice and just rest for a change, sure youll be back on your feet causing trouble before you know it :) 

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steve, glad it's sorted in terms of diagnoses.... my mate had a TIA (small stroke) and is now back playing golf and everything...  just chill out and try and go with the flow..... god bless mate and Get well soon... James and Debs and all the kids 

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Medication sort out, bit of a life style change nothing massive then away you go again. problem is they may not let you drive, I was recommended not to for 28 days which I kept to, apart from towing the caravan to the main road for her indoors to tow home. I know what you will do but try and take it easy until the aspirin if its a blockage or whatever they give you if its a bleed, take over and sort you system out. The Neurologist will advise and its up to you now to stick as closely as you can to it. My Mrs was bleating on about "I told you to loose weight etc etc" the Consultant said not necessary not a weight issue, result. Aspirin, statins and a bit of BP medicine. I had my suspicions as you know and don't want to be a smart ar*e but the stark reality is its now time based. If you start from now or when starting the medicine the longer you go without any repeats the less chance of a repeat, provided you stick to the game plan. Stress, stress, stress + higher blood pressure + elevated cholesterol  are the main causes. I've got the T shirt as have many and its certainly no where near the end of any game.


So now you know what it was, its now a get it fixed and controlled matter now. Your eye realignment may take some time but the body has a brilliant way of sorting itself out, fingers crossed. Did you see the MRI scan by the way, looks like tungsten inclusions in a weld except its in your head.


Good luck, keep inmate watching, once I was in the same position as you they moved me to the departure ward - right next to the MRSA isolation ward what a f*ck up. Didn't touch anything, might have picked up more than I went in with.


Keep smiling


Bob :d  :d :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  

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Just make sure you do as the Docs (and Bev) tell ya - take it easy and relax - think of it as your bodies way of telling ya it needs a holiday so book one ;)  ;)

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At least you now know. So, do as you're told and you'll be able to tell your grandkids how squeezing farts into bottles caused a stroke.

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An old mate of mine had one too. He's now perfectly fine and quaffing ale and all! Good luck and listen to the doc. :t-up:

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Cheers wuvers though I really have had my hole full now of this place ,so tonight I'm going out the window and home ,I can't be aresd digging a tunnel

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Mate you are bonkers. Told the lads at work you had bunked off yesterday afternoon for a canny then gone back to hospital and they didn't believe me.


So what you going to do now or shouldn't I ask.

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Why did you only have a stroke big lad - couldn't you reach for a proper grope???



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I've only spoken to you a couple of times, I think if we'd met I'd probably have remembered it :) , but what I do know is how much you've done for this club and its members...so, just for once think about yourself, take it easy, do what your told, and get well soon,


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Why did you only have a stroke big lad - couldn't you reach for a proper grope???




that was my first thought too...... :laugh:


now then Steve, this is nature's way of saying you're a t*t, :p  take a good look at your life, get rid of the things that stress you (like trying to run a business where you deal with idiot customers working all the hours god sends for instance) and hang onto the things that you enjoy (like the Westfield club, Bev and the rest of your family and friends) :)


if you want any help one of my good friends is a senior cardiac nurse and spends her life rehabilitating patients who've had the sort of event you have had so feel free to ask if you think the ones treating you aren't telling you everything ;)

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dunno if climbing out the window is a good idea fella :d may i suggest just walking down the stairs? 

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