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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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going back now :(

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Steve... you really need to get that artex sorted out... its so 90's   :d  :d

Hope you get well soon....

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Steve... you really need to get that artex sorted out... its so 90's   :d  :d

Hope you get well soon....

90`s  ?????? Where do you live..The Midlands? :d  :d

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Oi bunny we only had it done last week its back in now! Get with it man

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Think its a mental hospital you need you muppet. Did you enjoy the beer though. I guess if they have given you nothing in the way of medication it can't be affected by the pop. Can understand the stir crazy situation though, thats probably what being under observation is I guess. Get back in and get sorted, you've been a very naughty boy.


Bob :down:  :suspect:  :angry:

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right then i have pulled a homer


rang bev to pick me up ,told the nurses i was going for a walk/wobble around ,bev turns up chucks me in the passenger seat and hey presto im home :laugh:  :cry:  pitty i have to go back later before they notice i have gone awol :cry:  :yes:  so im having a beer watching the footy

Living on the edge Steve... liking it!

Seriously tho' hope you get sorted ole boy....all the best and I hope the tests go well


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hope they sort the problem soon, good luck, find a tv for 8pm BBC 2 tonight

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goodness me there is a bloke walking roung with bag of p*** and his A*** hanging seriusly what the devil is going on I really need to get out of here they are more mental than me

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Keep your chin up Steve, and don't let the b*****ds drag you down.


Get well bud, the dog's missing you!

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You have got to use that pic for your profile.

hope you get things sorted soon. Focus on getting well, everything else is just details.


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goodness me there is a bloke walking roung with bag of p*** and his A*** hanging seriusly what the devil is going on I really need to get out of here they are more mental than me

saves them peeing in the shower i quess

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goodness me there is a bloke walking roung with bag of p*** and his A*** hanging seriusly what the devil is going on I really need to get out of here they are more mental than me

Jeez I thought Terry Everall was on holiday.....so that's where he's gone.


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Fpmsl ! Buzz

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