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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Hello Matey

you're in the best place, it's a pain in the ass but take advantage of some rest, you been over doing it, what with tin sheds an all.

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Hi Steve, good to hear you are in the proper place, not good Saturday, my MRI was done on a Monday after a do on Friday and the Neuro guy turned up on Thursday. Rather surreal as Mem Sec says, its a bit like being in a helicopter with lots of throbbing noises going on, if the musics good you can get your head down for a bit. Being a Friday they all thought I was p*ssed, marvelous ain't it, hadn't even finished me first tinnie, Wrexham hospital with all the p*ssheads. Even my lass was beating me about the head with a cushion cos she thought I was mucking about. Maybe that dislodged some of the sh*t that was clogging my head up. Just take it easy feet up and ar*e hanging out of the gown as usual. I had a head ache for a few weeks when my eyes did something similar. Some say I'm still not right now but then we all take the mick. Hope Bevs ok.


Take care and do as you are told for once.


Bob :d  :(  :down:

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its like a concentration camp for freaks n old people


you should fit in perfectly on both counts then :laugh:  :laugh:

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I might have an operators manual for a cat scan from 1976 or 77. I could nip across and do it for you, what could possibly go wrong !

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Ash maybe fry his head that would be good for a laugh. Are you thinking of going visiting or is it early days yet. We could have the Feb club meet around his bed. Keep him occupied. Which hospital is Steve in.



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Cheers scott I'll have two pints please infact more the merrier (cider) if you buying, bevs been in with willem and delived three magazines , errrrr hello I can't see **** all , going mad slowly need to get out of here the guy next to me is 105 years old and mad as a bag of frogs on crack suits me fine

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Never good being in the hospital, best place for you right now, only time you have to worry is if they send the proctologist to do a brain scan! Do what you do best owd son, pass some of that wacky humour onto the other poor b*******s in there. Chin up lad, it will turn out right in the end. All the best from me and the missus.

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Just in case anyone thought I was joking:



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Stop worrying , its only your brain , you managed this far without one , so why all the hassle :)


hope you get it sorted :t-up:




P.S. if you can read this it probably means your still breathing and at least one eye is good ;)

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Steve, I was in your situation a few months ago, admitted to hospital waiting for an MRI.


My advice is this:-

You wont rush the NHS, bide your time, I know it is horrible being in there, but you cant change it, so accept it.

Ask for drugs - tell them it hurts - ask for oramorph (morphine) - It will knock you out and then monday will be here before you know it :blues:


I know you dont want to know this, but monday will not be the end of it, you then need to wait for the results and forward plan, so you will be in for a while after the MRI.


Chin up though wuv, you are in the best place (although it dont feel like it). They will sort you out

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Have you been sniffing the fumes from some cheap Chinese Paint Mix?


It's probably only due to burning the candle at both ends


Get as much rest as you can b4 they decide how to refund many years of your NI Contributions (if you have paid any)


Enjoy the company of your fellow weirdo's and get well really soon!


It's only six weeks until the start of the season and we all need you with us and for us?


Thinking of you,




2010 Satisfied customer

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hope you got some good nurses to pamper you steve


glad they sorting you out quick

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steve, you aint that old so you must be a freak... get well soon and enjoy the semolina... :yes:  :p

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