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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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It is at times like this that The value of private health care come in. I know the NHS is fantastic at emergancy work but things like this just aren't seen as an emergancy.


A manger of mine was rushed into hospital with a suspected heart attack, his mother farther uncle and brother have all died of heart problems, they check him out give him asprin and something under his tongue and send him home 7 hours later wiith the instruction to see his gp. Sees GP who now says he needs to see a specialist so he is now waiting.


Private, straight there next day or so. And I know it is expensive whne we already pay but say £50 a month it is cheap when you are ill.


I hope you get sorted soon Steve

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Good luck with the diagnosis and recovery Steve

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Get yourself sorted Steve, you've had a lot on your plate recently, stress plays havoc with the body.


A thorough exam and some rest would be a good place to start, difficult I know. Ash's suggestion seems like a good idea to me.


Take care big guy (big wuv hugs grrrrr x)



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have you been sniffing the paint or doing a bit of tig without a head set wuv ? :p  :d  :d


all joking aside hope you get sorted quickly mate


stew,emm n ben

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Steve, I don't need to make any suggestions. Had a slightly similar event 10 years ago but mine didn't linger like yours has, you need to get into a proper Neorospecialist type and discuss whats been going on now for some time. Did you have an MRI scan when you had the previous event(s). I'm not going to speculate but I have my own ideas. If Ash's suggestion is in that line of work I would bite the arm off. Get well soon and don't give Bev any grief she is probably worried witless, do as you are told but get the diagnosis you need, you may not like it, but at least you will find out whats been going on. Then you can get it sorted. The diagnosis will dictate the medicine or life style mods and it can be simple but needs to be right.


Good luck big man, you haven't lost your sense of humour. Get well soon. 



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Cheers wuvers I'm lay in bed in hospital I was addmitted imediatly on arrival yesterday plugged in and violated , I had to wai from 2pm yesterday until 11.15am today for cat scan what the devil anyway eyes are f*****d I can't see **** they reckon its a brain problem so panicking a bit tbh I woke this morning and thougt I was. Blind had to wait an hoour before I could see owt ,still waiting for cat results and can't have a mri untilnext week

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Chuffin' heck wuv, you don't do nought by 'alves, do ya?  All our best wishes, at least you're where they can help you now, let us know if you need something and we'll be there for ya. :t-up:


PS: You can count to us to roundly abuse you on the boards after you recover, we can't stay nice forever ya know :laugh:  :yes:

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At least you are in the best place and getting it properly looked into. ;)


If you are at all claustraphobic consider the sedative option before the MRI scan. They don't tend to volunteer it but will provide if you ask.


Hope you are back to normal soon.

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Cat scan is clear ,but have to stay in until at least monday until some dangler drrives over from stoke to use the mri machine because no chuffin one hear can use it ,so I amstuck here until then goodness me what the devil goodness me ,I'm going chuffin mad its like a concentration camp for freaks n old people

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did they find a brain :p if not make sure they look in the right place wuv :d


best wishes hope you sorted soon

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The stay wil be preferential to the MRI wuv, it's like being machine gunned while laying down in a sewer tube.


Glad to hear they found your brain and there were no cats in it.


Now just please desist your current communication on the matter because I'm intolerant of other people's opinions goodness me and be quiet, relax, and do what you're told, we need you better.


Hell, I'm going to go cheer you up and give you a warning point for being ill without permission. :laugh:

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I'm going chuffin mad its like a concentration camp for freaks n old people



But I'm here, not there!


Steve, stop complaining and get some real relaxation. Get a good book and chill. Sleep as much as you can.


Last time I was in hospital about 38 years ago (forget the 2 days a few years ago which was a waste of time) I slept all day, and sat up with the nurses all night playing cards. I was in after an emergency appendectomy which was done in am cubical in A&E and it burst as it was removed. Most people have a 2" scar, mines 8". 


Anyway, enough about me, you get better soon. We all love you.

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On the up side there's no discernable deterioration in your grammer and punctuation :t-up:  :p


All the best and I hope you're back to normal soon. Certainly don't envy you having to stay in a hospital all weekend.

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Good luck with the tests Steve.They`ll find nothing,you`ll get better & they`ll say `must have been a virus`......

Make the most of any rest you can get.

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