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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Get well soon big fella ........... wuv ya ;)   :d  :yes:

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I had appointment at 0900, got in at 0845, got seen 1750! Was told that consultant wasn't there, so saw his registra and had to make another appointment. So two weeks later in at 1025, appointment at 1050, got seen 1520, his first words were "so what's wrong?" I said, then he said "let me check your notes..." 25 mins it took him! You'd thought he'd have notes ready and know his patient! I do as a nurse, Mrs C's same as me! Then he just said op in 4-12 weeks, I'll get a letter in the post. He then walked out!!!

Why he couldn't of just said that over the phone!

Yesterday I had physio appointment, who took 3 hours to see me, take a look, asses and say "There's nothing I can do. You have 3 out of 4 tendons in you infra-spinatus and there is nothing I can do."

Love if!

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bring it on




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Why is it, when I say the NHS has really big faults I get jumped on.


I only know it isn't what we should expect having experienced the French system.


Both countries have about the same population, about 60 million. Both spend about the same on their health systems.


But the French don't spend 1/3rd on management. The doctors manage their own departments and decisions are made on medical grounds not financial. HM, through her bouts of hospitalizations has been treated very well. Nothing was too much trouble and there was no language problem as both sides worked with each other for full understanding. 


If your doctor feels you needs an urgent diagnosis for, say, heart or suspected cancer, you are in the hospital for test that day, or next morning.


I've been told the pay for doctors is the worst in Europe but, from what I've see the morale is really high, nothings too much trouble the hospital wards have lots of nurses . My friend, who is the local doctor doesn't seem to be poor.

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You really need to get specialist advice - somehow


A quick google generates lots of possibles from  inner ear inflammation, tumors, migraines, head trauma, to multiple sclerosis and brain aneurysm.


Good luck

That'll cheer him up. I've even heard of cold and flu type viruses causing what you have. Do get well soon.

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Norman also consider that the French system doesn't have anything like the number of non nationals that haven't paid their dues into the system that the UK has - visit any UK hospital and you will find a large number of free loaders sponging. Three years ago when my Pa was in a few times virtually every ward he ended up in the English speaking patient was very much in the minority - it was full of east europeans and asians most of whom could hardly speak a word of English :down:  :down:  :down::angry:  at one point he was the only English speaker in a ward of 20 :down:


Was even in A&E once and in next cubicle an african woman was coughing her guts out when asked where she was from it was some African country and she was here visiting relatives arriving day before :down: and no-one asked to see her medical insurance she was treated and admitted straight away without any question = drain on the system :down:

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bring it on




You look like your normal self to me M8  :d  :d  :d  :d




I always thought you looked weird anyway  :suspect:  ???  :oops:  :o






Hope you get it sorted soon Steve  :d  :d  :d

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Steve - one on the pot and one on the chimney...... like me when i had national health specs in the early 80's.  


On a positive note you should be able to see the apex on left hand bends much earlier than the rest of the field.....every cloud and all that. :p ..


Seriously hope it's nothing serious... suggest you get kylie doll, make it up like keith flint and tape it someones car at the weekend.


Get well soon Diplofat



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You didnt look like your normal colour yesterday.


Let me know if you want anything or any help. Also might pay to come and have a chat with Rachel.

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just dont tell them what you do in the shower. they might lock you up. :p


get well soon :yes:

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Ditto what Ash said big chap - anything we can do to help, just call - anytime.....


Hope you get it diagnosed quickly.

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God luck Steve. Fingers crossed (as much as your eyes) that it'll clear up easily and swiftly.


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" Fingers crossed (as much as your eyes)" - LOL ....... Steve, I hope you get it chuffing sorted soon too mate. 

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