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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Bob  :love:

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cheers guys really appreciate that i real;y mean it :love:  :yes: marshall has been a god send to me, me dad had done me proud :laugh: i just need to keep doing a bit each day and not over do it , i feel that doing a half a day pottering  is better than sitting at home going out of my mind with worry ,i would rather keep my mind acctive and not think about things to much , anyway me dads picking me up and were off to club night :yes:

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Slow and steady wins the race old chap ;):d good to see youre getting on, all be it cautiously and sensibly :)

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If you need a couple of hours I am at a loose end tomorrow. Just let me know and I can pop down and do a bit maybe. If you do just drop me a message with a time, your units post code, your phone number just in case and I will try and turn up. Busy all day Sunday though.


Bob :d  :d

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cheers bob , we should be ok this weekend ,bev is helping and our mong  and his mate are coming over to help ,really appreciate the offer though :yes:

nice to chat last night aswell made me chuckle :cry:


if you wanna pop down though for a nosey feel free wuv

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No worries, just take it steady.


Bob  :cool:

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Just caught up on this, take it easy mate were only here for one go

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Steve jeeeeeeez mate I've just picked up on this goodness me hope it's a quick and straight forward recovery...but you know it could be worse...You could be Pistonbroke & Terry Everalls love child!

Listen keep your pecker up you'll soon be out and about terrorising your customers again.... I can always get Kyleith to drop in and give you a bed bath!

Get well soon bud

Big luv


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well big thanks to ash today , ash popped down and really helped out with some jobs , so thanks ash

i hate feeling like olive chuffin oil and cant do much without feeling shagged ,it tires me out seeing two of everything ,,,,,,,,,,imagine two bevs all the time :bangshead:  :cry:  :cry:

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Did you hear that?

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:laugh:  thats better i can read that wuv :laugh:  i need to do summat norm or i will go mad

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Steve, why not read a few books. get Bev to get you a copy of Winston Churchill's History of the Second World War from the library. It's a bit heavy but if it was fiction you wouldn't put it down. It's in 5 volumes so not something you can read in a few days.

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:cry: chuff that ,i will be reading it twice wuv im seeing double :laugh:  :cry:  i struggle to read it makes my head ache

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