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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Now an upgraded Steve.......... that would be wuvverly :d

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First steps - a huge wing on his :arse:  and a louder exhaust.

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Glad your on the mend Steve, but take it easy,


ive never met you, but can others please advise do we want Steve to be normal ? :)

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 can others please advise do we want Steve to be normal ? :)

 The doctors and nurses will do their job but they can't perform miracles .. :d

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 The doctors and nurses will do their job but they can't perform miracles .. :d


I think they can...


Steve - this would be hard for anyone.  Try and imagine some clown coming to you and wittering on about this and that with their Westfield.  Then you go away and sort it out in double quick time and for a very good price.  The doctors and nurses will do the same for you - and it may be a miracle!


Rory's Dad

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Normal?? Do you mean like Steve normally is, or normal like normal people? That's 2 VERY different things!! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

I should think the best medical teams in the world would find it difficult to get him normal like normal people.

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What Steve might look like after his hospital stay:





















...or maybe not. ;)

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What Steve might look like after his hospital stay:





















...or maybe not. ;)

fpmsl that takes me back to my yoof wuv

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I did mean normal like normal people , but if he gets back to being Steve normal that would be good right ?

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Not Steve ???:d Good to hear you've ,made it out alive and apparently kicking ;) haha, now sit down and watch the footy and top gear repeats and enjoy the pleasure of doing sweet FA for the next couple weeks :) all that crap you want to do will still be there to do in a couple months! priorities fella, maybe write a book about your stay in the hospital :d

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wouldnt mind wuv but i cant see the bl**** tv :cry:  :cry: :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  

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i'd love to read that book,  Chuffing Casualty..... enjoy the rest wuv and hope the re-map works for you :-)

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