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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Well I just woke up again wondering if it was all a dream but no the irish lass just come to see me and make sure I do as I'm told before she goes off duty. I think I'm in wub ,spitals arnt that bad after all what the devil

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Sounds like a smart young lady. Does she carry a whip, wear long leather boots and hot pants? ???

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Only in my dreams wuv only in my dreams :)

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Steve, please follow all the advice given above.  I know the devastating effects that a stroke can have, and you have been very lucky.  My mother had a stroke seven years ago.  Seven years in a nursing home, bed-bound, unable to talk, unable to move her right side, episodes of pressure sores, doubly incontinent, and miserable.  You do not want to risk this happening to you.

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What Emma said.  My old man had a number of strokes as well, and while nothing like as bad as what poor Emma's mum and family have gone through, there were repercussions for everyone.  Do what you're told and you'll be around to amuse and disgust us in the strange way we've grown to enjoy (kind of like terrorist and long-term hostages) for many years. :)

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Geeeeeeeeeeeeet in , I'm out at dinner managed to fluff my way out

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Best wishes from Mr & Mrs H, Steve. You're going to have to take things slightly easier, stop trying to burn the candle at both ends.

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I'm taking the guy next to me home he's a 104 years old and funny as **** I'll never forget him ever he has made me laugh out loud every day and is sharp as they come , one of lifes natural comedians

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I'm a bit late on this thread but - sorry to hear about what's happened Steve. As others have said, try and rest yourself (I know it's hard!) and hope you are fighting fit again soon :t-up:

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Shall we club together and get you some grapes wuv.

Take it easy :)

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I txt bev saturday bring me some grapes and lucuzade jokingly , the silly mare brought me some who the chuff has grapes and lucuzade these days

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I eat lots of grapes and drink quite a few.


No Lucozade though, not allowed any sugar.


Now, I hope you're taking it easy. Get a huge book to read and settle down quietly in the visitors room to get away from the hustle and bustle of the ward.


Bev's doing her best and must be worried sick. So, just do as you're told, and take it easy for a week. 

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I can see this turning into a blog.


Or an upgrade blog.

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