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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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What I am going to do is p*** in the shower before I go out the window

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Escape carefully, Steve.


Last thing you want now is to break your leg and end up confined there even longer. 


Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Is that again Steve, p*ssing in the shower is probably the norm when your inside. But at least you are still standing, lets try and keep it that way before your head tells you again to stop whatever it didn't enjoy. You can f*ck just about every other organ up but when the ecu says hes not playing its game over. Theres only the ticker thats as important just, cos you can put another one in. They can do head transplants but who would swap with you.


Bob :bangshead:     -> :ghostface:

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Take it easy wuv 

For once do what your told for a bit and you will soon be back to your normal self.

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What I am going to do is p*** in the shower before I go out the window


Must be feeling better :laugh:

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Take it easy wuv 

For once do what your told for a bit and you will soon be back to your normal self.


Thats the worrying bit !

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If you have had a stroke you really need to take it very very steady for a few weeks. The days after are the highest risk.


There is a work associate that had a stroke at 43 and he has not worked for the last 18 months and he is in constant rehaibilitation.  You would not wish what he has had on your worst enemy.


So please take it steady, take the drugs and chill out.

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Well that's a bit of a shocker, makes you wonder what it's all for......but at least your on the mend.


So that's no stress. No building race cars from a pile of bits in a week. No working til the early hours, and no posting on this forum between midnight and 05.00!  That's you with time on your hands!


Get well soon wuv, the dog needs you, oh and I'd guess Bev & Willem will be missing you too.

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Wow Steve, you never do things by half do you. How about just for once doing what you are told heh !!! Get yourself better, your health is worth more than anything else.  :d  :d  :d

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Well Steve, I know you are a bit of a joker but this has been a lucky escape for you and a big warning for the future. You need to heed the warning and take it easy until you get well. I know this will be hard for you as in the years I have read of your escapades and your capacity to burn the candle at both ends and in the middle and now with your new venture, you have to realsie that no amount of money or satisfaction in a job well done is worth dieing for. With the right medication and lifestyle change you will still be as good as new and just as funny as ever. Just take care as the world will be boring without you.

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Glad they found out what's wrong wuv. You get well soon

Maybe you need to stop swearing :d that would cure you.

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Well I tried to walk out this mmorning about 2 am but a very nice nurse with a sexy irish accent

Caught me sat me down and gave me a good talking to to sort me out , so apparently she says I need to learn to change and take it easy etc etc this is going to be hard I can tell goodness me

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goodness me Steve, come on lad, its time to do the right thing for yerself. Ive got family here who are in bad shape and they dont do as they are told and it puts me thru hell watching them suffer the repurcussions.. do as you are advised by them wot know...Please.  You have so many people as well as your family who want you around for a long time...what the devil.  Steve

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Τhank God was a light one!!!!! best wishes for recovery and believe me you were lucky!!!!!!

Its an oportunity now for a life change,like said u started to workout etc,improve diet....and exersice


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