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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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I've already sent this txt to Steve and I dont want to go through it again.


This morning I took a call to say a friend had died, someone I take exercise with everyday at work, walked with him and another friend over the last 8 or so years probably around or in excess of 1000 miles in total. We walk and discuss, express opinions, argue and debate; all the time getting a good bit of exercise from a fast 40 minute walk.


He was the fittest of the 3 and a long distance runner. Determined and honourable but also ignored some warning about his health. Last night at 6:30 he had a heart attack and later died in hospital. 45 years old, 2 kids and a wife.Just starting to plan for a retirement in 10 or so years.


I'm p******** with him for not taking it seriously I dont know what the doc had said but we had discussed some issues he had with blood pressure. 


We dont get many warnings but when we do they have to be taken seriously.

i feel for you ash i really do mate your txt really knocked the stuffing out of me yesterday  ,its never nice loosing some one you know and are close to , it is made far worse when it is sudden i would imagine ,everyone i have lost that has been close to me we have had a warning or knew it would happen , i dread to think what its like to have the call or be told what you have

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Well done Steve, I'll let you into a little secret.


You've been scaring me pooless. I'm so relieved you've seen the sense at last.

Speaking of which, I hope you've done your poo sticks test Norm? Take your own advice, obviously! :p

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Not yet. Must get round to it one of these days.

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well i have been down the unit today with bev, just needed to do summat so just pottered and did a few jobs , it didnt take much for me to get out of breath and i seem to have a few more issues other trhan my eye sight that i have found today ,i have had plenty off bollockings of bev infact she is treating me like a chuffin baby which frudstrates me even more i just have to keep myself calm and think of nice ladies jumping around and sliding down poles with mahoosive boobs and stunning arses in skimpy bekinies twith a ickle bit of nipple showing thats very soothing for me ..............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dribble

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Bev's got it dead right. You need treating like a chuffing baby if you're going to act like one.

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i think the idea is not to get worked up/excited now you've started the rest of us off !!!!!


Its difficult being patient, sound as though your lady is talking sense, TAKE NOTICE


all the best for a full recovery and being back to Steve normal

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Big Fella,


If you need someone to "look after" Bev whilst you are away - you have my number.. ;)  ;)

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Big Fella,


If you need someone to "look after" Bev whilst you are away - you have my number.. ;)  ;)

you can have her with pleasure wuv she's a pain inm y A*** at the moment

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bev has just been back to collect my medication , holly chuff how many pills



The pills are easy enough, but how are you going to swallow the dog, TV remote and the shoes?....tough medicine!


Here's hoping everything sorts itself out soon, Steve.  Reading with interest - it's all sobering stuff for us of a certain age, but looking forward to 'normality'.  Stick with the plan, and get well soon.  :)

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The pills are easy enough, but how are you going to swallow the dog, TV remote and the shoes?....tough medicine!


Here's hoping everything sorts itself out soon, Steve.  Reading with interest - it's all sobering stuff for us of a certain age, but looking forward to 'normality'.  Stick with the plan, and get well soon.  :)

why not the dog trys to eat me every day the little chuffer ,how can you not wuv this ,my 12 year old staffy 99273ddf.jpgbut he's another thats helping me along at the moment life would be very dull without him , marshall has just been round again taking the p*** out of me wobling around and my wall eye's :laugh:  :cry:  :laugh: he says i look much better and happier than monday when he came in to see me in  hospital :yes:

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Steve, you seem to be facing it now, the pills are a pain in the ar*e especially if they are suppositories whooopps. Take heed , I'm sure you did, of Ash's message. You are still standing and fighting so just do that, you know what Bev means to you as Willem and the pooch so chins up mate and you will be fine if you stick to the game plan. All the pills do is take 10 seconds off your now more relaxed days and they will help you recover back to the more healthy, less stressed bloke you will become. If there are things you need doing in the unit just let Dave, Fraser, Ash or Marshall know and I'm sure we can get over and have a go for you. It will all come together, in time, just a little bit longer than you first planned.


Good to hear Marshall say your'e looking better. Andrew Marr had a wobble a month ago and he hasn't appeared as yet. Every brain event is different and you are still as mad as a box of frogs, the sense of "humour" is still there, you can type better than before.


Keep smiling


Bob :d  :d :d  :d  :d  

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cheers bob :yes:  they say it does strange things to you !!!   i seem to have a strange attraction to knitting at the moment :suspect: and blokes

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I withdraw my offer of help immediately and I only wear cotton, gayer. bl**** Cameron and his vote you've been brain washed whilst you've been in rehab hospital.


Bob  :d  :d :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d  

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