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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Made myself a eye patch so I can sortasee through one eye better ,cheers for everything guys this is keeping me going from out of my mind :)

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Made myself a eye patch


You can't tell us that and not give us a photo ;)  :suspect:


Can you use mobiles in hospitals these days then? I presume that's how you're keeping in touch.


Whatever happens, and however bored you are do not, I repeat do not start watching Jeremy Kyle :arse: while in the short term it may make you think your life is great in comparison, longer term exposure causes extreme dismay at the state of the world we live in. :down:


Hope you get out (with doc's blessing this time) soon. :yes:

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If you can't use mobiles while in the institution, why not tie some string around it and turn your iPhone into an iPatch?

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very good that blouse... :d  


Steve - how are you feeling wuv?  Have you corner weighted the bed yet? uprated the springs? GWS mate 

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Well laid here wide awake all night behind me curtain bored ****less with me homemade earplugs in , so bored so I'm thinking I need to fart so I let oit a rippper then some bloke starts lauging so that then set the ytone for a while fat laugh fart laugh oh well iy madehimlaugh so iy cnt be bad

I hope you didn't leave scorch marks on the sheets ............................

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You should have let one rip while you were in the mri tunnel....damn thing would have taken off like a jet engine.

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Had the results back now from mri , turns out I have had a stroke , at least they are not going to chisel my noggin open ,it could be worse at least imstill here that's the main thing , now to et sorted

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Just off for a pull

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A celebration pull! :oops:

Good luck Steve, get fixed soon...

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Had the results back now from mri , turns out I have had a stroke , at least they are not going to chisel my noggin open ,it could be worse at least imstill here that's the main thing , now to et sorted


At least you know now wuv, explains a few things that's for sure, you can make a full recovery if you do as you're told for once, behave and you'll be a PITA at home soon :)

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This is a man that does not do things by halves :o


Serious things strokes but thankfully it sounds fairly mild.


Get well soon, and no more bunking off until you're better

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stress is taking its toll :down:   take it easy  big boy  :)

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