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6 hours in hospital ffs turning into 4 days wtf ffs


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Cheer up Steve, find the best looking nurse you can and ask for a bed bath. Should raise a smile if nothing else  :d  :d  :d



Monday will be round quicker than you know it and then they can start figuring out what it wrong with you. Best of luck  :d  keep your chin up.

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Just watching Jonathan Ross - Turns out you are a Chameleon :d


They can move their eyes independently.

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A new day a new bunch of friends-weirdos wheeled in over night, I have 14 new people in 2 dfays why can't they just leave em here. Instrad of changing em all the time It means I have to socialise all cockin day wiyh menew biddies sorry buddies

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Morning Steve.


Dont forget to remember what you've ordered to eat,  unless they have changed things you end up with a pot luck meal service. But you ordered ham salad sir, no I didn't I hate the stuff, your buttered toast, what with highish cholesterol, don't think so. Just chill and recover the rest of the world will grind along, make sure you don't make yourself worse by worrying about things, it will get all sorted whilst they reset your ecu. Chins up and keep grimmacing.

Do they still insist on taking your blood pressure at daft o'clock in the morning when you should all be tucked up trying to sleep and they wheel in the sports stars from the local bars in the evenings a&e clearances, oh joy that I didn't miss. No kip for days.


Hows the vision, still seeing round corners or is it clearing.



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Vision is sill the same I slept likea baby through to 6am I had a sleeping tablet thank chuff I couldt cope ith another night from hell ,its a eye opener I ell ya beiing in here just what nurses have to do they are a special sort, just makes me think I'm not that ill so what the devil am I doing here there not doing anything with me I'm just sat-lay here like I'm some sort of weird experiment tyo hhow much **** and boar dom one human can take

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Well Steve its a week now since I came to visit you in your new premises. I was certainly suprised to find you messing around with your enormous erection it must of been hard work getting that great big thing up on your own. I understand that fiddling about in there alone gives huge pleasure. But now look what has happened.Too much of it has run you down. It was nice to meet you and Bev last Sunday, what a woman, didn't bat an eyelid when she found us messing in there.

Hope you start feeling well again soon hospital not the nicest place to be, but probably best for now.

See you soon


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The eye opening bit is spot on Steve. I recall one small incident. I was in a short queue wanting to speak with the nurse at the counter thing and in front of me was another inmate. It was visiting time with lots of family etc milling about and I was wondering what the "toilet" smell was. The guy in front of me was only stood with his cardboard sample bowl fully laden held in front of him and covered by one sheet of paper towel. I guess the paper filtered out the smell, sight or whatever. A few were gagging and I just thought what a muppet. Bless. As for shower trays, pre MRSA I flatly refused to touch any surface with more than finger tips, the cleanliness was then lacking a lot no wonder we went through the various regimes to clean the places up. Bring back Matron that would ensure you behaved Steve.


Try not to dwell on anything else other than getting sorted, the business can wait a while, I'm sure Bev and Willem would appreciate you being around fit and well rather than worrying about the rest. Anything the Cheshire and I'm sure all the guys can do for you I'm sure we will.


Bob :suspect:

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right then i have pulled a homer


rang bev to pick me up ,told the nurses i was going for a walk/wobble around ,bev turns up chucks me in the passenger seat and hey presto im home :laugh:  :cry:  pitty i have to go back later before they notice i have gone awol :cry:  :yes:  so im having a beer watching the footy

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ya dozy daft wazzick - do you want more warning points?

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ya dozy daft wazzick - do you want more warning points?

:laugh:  i only just noticed that i couldnt see it on me phone :laugh:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :laugh:


its nice to be home if only for a couple of hours i was missing me dog more than anything , little chuffer near licked me skin off and jumped all over me  

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:laugh:  i only just noticed that i couldnt see it on me phone :laugh:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :laugh:


its nice to be home if only for a couple of hours i was missing me dog more than anything , little chuffer near licked me skin off and jumped all over me  

You've not got rabies have you wuv?


I'd also like to know if this affliction has affected your height as the pic you posted seems to show you with your head within a gnats of the ceiling  :suspect:



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im just naturally tall and good looking wuv

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just had 3 anti inflametry thingys and some paracetamol to see if they help swilled down with a beer as they have given me dangler all in leighton

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just had 3 anti inflametry thingys and some paracetamol to see if they help swilled down with a beer as they have given me dangler all in leighton

I think they call that "Alternative Medicine". Like your style.

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