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confused ...... i am


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Horse meat is for sale in the super market here.


I'm not a big meat eater but I fail to see why, if it's OK to eat a cow, why you shouldn't eat a horse.


So, as I'm confused, there isn't a thread drift.

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Yak?  I thought it was a dog.

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apparently people have been raving about Morrisons meatballs - they are the dogs b0ll0x :laugh:

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thats made my day... the fact that Mem Sec is photo shopping a gi+p mask onto a members head to cover a previously attached tadger stuck on a shaved barby doll in the style of keith flint off the prodigy...... I thought i'd just bought a little sports car not discovered my spiritual home for my weirdness......  :d


Just in case you wondered where Ol 'Gimpy came from...



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i really must have some flyers made

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thats made my day... the fact that Mem Sec is photo shopping a gi+p mask onto a members head to cover a previously attached tadger stuck on a shaved barby doll in the style of keith flint off the prodigy...... I thought i'd just bought a little sports car not discovered my spiritual home for my weirdness......  :d



Yes this was back in the day when the WSCC was in its prime with proper entertainment 2000 to 2008 where great times with awesome show parties, proper carry on's with a great crowd of people.... Stoneleigh was legendary & The kit car shows at Donington... I'll just mention the Robin Hood car on Caterham stand for starters halcyon days for sure. The clubs is still fun but not at patch on what it used to be!... a great era  ;)


Great days,great times, great entertainment & hopefully more to come!



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There was a chinky shut down in northampton last week cos a diner discovered a micro chip in her "beef" and black bean sauce.... turned out it was from a Labrador called Charlie.... yuk  :no:

Urban myth, I fear: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/8824481/Chinese-restaurant-bankruptcy-fear-after-false-dog-meat-rumour.html

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But probably closed her business down.


The internet isn't all good.

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Yes this was back in the day when the WSCC was in its prime with proper entertainment 2000 to 2008 where great times with awesome show parties, proper carry on's with a great crowd of people.... Stoneleigh was legendary & The kit car shows at Donington... I'll just mention the Robin Hood car on Caterham stand for starters halcyon days for sure. The clubs is still fun but not at patch on what it used to be!... a great era  ;)


Great days,great times, great entertainment & hopefully more to come!



:yes:  :cry:  :cry: :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :laugh:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :yes:  

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Bhouse... cheers for that.  I had better research my sources more fully (one of my climbers read about it in local press).  Thanks for the heads up mate.  James 

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