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confused ...... i am


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have these two ever been seen together ..... i thought not ! i think bill has infultrated us



http://content.clearchannel.com/cc-common/mlib/2013/01/2013_1357850529.jpg  paul edden





http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu352/GreenTop/SS%20Awards%202012/IMG_3793-1.jpg  bill clinton




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Funny enough, I've never seen you and this gimpy character together at the same time, either.



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cooooool kyleth.  now there is some bl**** good memories :yes: thats made my day/year

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This picture has been wigging me out for the last week on the right hand side of the boardroom...


Damn disturbing!


Funny enough, I've never seen you and this gimpy character together at the same time, either.



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This picture has been wigging me out for the last week on the right hand side of the boardroom...


Damn disturbing!


Not nearly as disturbing as it was before I Photoshopped it to add in Ol' Gimpy and block that doll's added "assets". :suspect: 

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oh come on wuv let em see little freddy ,it took me ages to make that out of body filler

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That doll, with an Afro glued on below the navel and an infeasibly large todger down to its knees, is straight out of a vintage horror porn film.  I may sue you and Buzz for mental damage caused by viewing it just the once. :suspect:  :ghostface:

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kyleth its kyleth wuv  sort of morph between kieth flint and kylie

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it's sort of a morph between my worst nightmare and demonic possession, i'm led to believe you used to terrify people at races with that strapped to your roll bar

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Funny enough, I've never seen you and this gimpy character together at the same time, either.





Well the cat is out the bag now I was going to post this picky  with a wind up but I can't post pictures as I'm got probs with PC or what ever but it does matter now :-(




P.S they are all fine and living under cover with police protection some where in Yorkshire & this after 2nd successful  kidnapping in 2008 by Steve Robinson and the Orginal Pays-kool team I didn't get her back until 2010! the B**tards!


Oh and believe me everyone Steve's head is hiding  something quite, quite scary & deeply disturbing....

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no buzz had kylie strapped to his roll bar , i kidnapped her from knockhill and replaced her with a carrott (another story) then i found a doll the same as kylie ,shaved her hair like kieth flints in the fire starter video and put a dangler on her then took photo's of heshe (kyleth) in sexual posistions with a action man and posted them on the forums under a new user id and blackmailed buzz for a while :laugh:  :yes:

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Steve just read my edited post above yours the bottom paragraph...I think you might have been in on it!



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I'm sure Buzz will be happy to PM any sick individuals the original photo sans Ol' Gimpy...but keep it non-public please, the Moderation Team are already in counselling.

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Steve just read my edited post above yours the bottom paragraph...I think you might have been in on it!



:cry:  :laugh:  :cry:

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