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its that time of the year again (well nearly) resolutions


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I'll try and lose weight but with my health problems it's going to be difficult.


Due to a heart condition (nothing dangerous) I can't do much exercise, due to diabetes I can't stop eating.


I don't smoke (any more)


I probably drink too much but not as much as I did in the UK.


So, I'm cutting down on portions and having a few sardines for lunch.


Having been ill this last week I have lost some weight so lets hope it keeps falling off (as long as I don't trip over it)

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Finish this house/studio/church once and for all. Sell it, down size, get a small house with a double garage,(wonder what I'll do in there?) Travel more, look out Norm, as said by others stop sweating the small stuff, had a hell of a year with family health crisis, live, love and laugh my ass off. Oh yes, drive the life out of "Her Madge".....

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Lose weight (about a stone), get golf handicap down to single figures (2 to go), that's about it I think.

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I should probably do something about weight but, quite frankly, I can't be arsed. I suppose that's how it got there in the first place!

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well 2013 will see me...


keep weight off but not by not enjoying food and drink  ???

but by having a couple of days out with the Mrs each week in the Caterham walking and visiting places. :love:

which means Less work  :t-up:

so can spend more time with friends  :t-up:

and more time with family  :t-up:  :t-up:

plan on having more holidays in 2013  (had none for 4 years then remembered what im missing and have had 4 in 2012)  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

more time in Caterham  :cool:

more trackdays :cool:  :cool:

less stressing about trivial things that really dont matter! :angry:


Generally living each day like its my last , not putting off till tmrw as once again this year a couple of people I know wont be with us to celebrate the new year  :down:  :( 


 Enjoy life,  its short and  I hope we all here again end of 2013 debating this    :t-up:


So here is wishing you all a Happy and most importantly Healthy new year to you all  :t-up:

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Mine is to have a better year in 2013, simple as that.


Things that went wrong in 2012:-

Hospitalised on Emergency Ward for 5 Days due to gallstones. 6 Weeks later - gallbladder and stones removed.

Wife - made redundant in May - new job started in September

Me - made redundant at Xmas - new job to start on 21/1/13

Wifes grandmother passed away on Xmas Day

I will be glad to close the cover on the year that was 2012!


2013 - Onwards and upwards!

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My New Years Resolution is 1366 x 768...


As my late F-i-L would say: "You're so sharp, you'll cut yourself!"  :d

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well just done a few miles on my mountain bike ,had rabbit food for breakfast and havnt broken my new years resolution yet :laugh:  :cry:

would of done more miles but my knees are playing up and have been for days  anyway off to walk me dog soon then back in bevs gym after dinner :cry:

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Respectable for this time of the day Steve! I'm going for my first run of the year in about an hour I think. Then maybe start on a New Year's resolution and get the Westfield out of the garage!

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I think mine are very siilar to others:

Carry on with the sensible eating plan to lose a bit more weight (lost 25 lbs on 6 months)

Get the little jobs done on the Zero so I can enjoy it more this year.

Learn to play the piano, well start at least!

Try to be less grumpy about things generally ( I can be a real misserably bu66er at times!!)

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Well that's a 3 mile walk with SWMBO and dog and an 8 mile mountain bike off road today. And I didn't get wet so that's a bonus! Did get V muddy though!

Rapidly followed by a pasty and hot chocolate in Tavistock!

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Best of luck to Steve and everyone else with your resolutions :) always good to start the year with a goal :)


I have a few that I really want to work at this year! 


Get to work on music production.

Get at least 10 DJ bookings

Gonna get myself back to the gym, and start trying to eat proper meals at proper times instead of living off of a sandwich here and there, want to try lose at least 2 stone this year, but am aiming for 3, then see how things are standing :)

Find a job I actually enjoy doing and work on trying to gain an income that allows me to move out of my parents house and start the next chapter of my life. someone said to me the other day "a wise man once said "find your obsession, make it your profession, and you'll never work a day in your life"" Thought it was a good way to look at things!


Mainly though I just want to carry on as before, take things in my stride, and take life for what it is, everyone has a hard time of life, some more so than others, but its your ability to get back up and dust yourself down and carry on that makes us appreciate things ever so much more, there have been some prime examples of this through the course of this year within this very club, to keep being positive no matter what, as others have said, the rest will follow :)


Onwards and Upwards will continue to be my motto :) 


Heres to hoping 2013 is a year to remember for all the right reasons for everyone :t-up:

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My New Years Resolution is 1366 x 768...

:laugh: ,Steve those goals are achivable,now sa far as the time to go to the gym...dont worry about it....you can do 

preety much everything in house,i can point you what to do and how long if you want.Also on another thread the 

TRX is mentioned...keep that in your mind wuw  ;)

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