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its that time of the year again (well nearly) resolutions


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so then what are your new years resolutions


i'll kick this off with , i have to loose weight and get fit (fitter) :oops:  :laugh:  docs advice due to my recent health problems so a total lifestyle change is needed basically i dont want to die just yet and what i have been through and still going through really makes you think and want to spend more time with my son and wife ,well son :oops: ,so bev has kitted the conservetory out like a freakin gym :cry:  cross trainer , exercise bike and weights so no excuses that i dont have time to go to the gym ,because its in my chuffin house ,this is what i should have done last year when i lost two stone ,i should of carried on instead of giving up ,so my resolution is to loose about 5 stone and get even fitter :laugh:

i think she just wants to watch me work out in my lycra leotard :yes:  vids to follow :cry:


not quite a resolution but wth ........ the other is im leaving the bodyshop after 26 years ,its been a massive part of my life and i cant quite believe i am leaving but i think its for the best and best for my health ,i have a plan which is coming together so watch this space :(  :oops:  :blush: im quite positive about things :yes::cool:


so what are your resolutions

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Good luck in both resolutions. I have no doubt you have the will power to do it.

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Some serious changes there Steve, best of luck!


I'm going to put my myself/us through the house moving thing again.  Not a process I care for much but it needs doing and allows me to fantasise over a new garage!

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Broadly to:

- Lose half a stone of body fat

- Improve my upper body strength

- Continue to improve my running

- Do more with the Westfield in every respect

- Get promoted

Not necessarily in that order!

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The very best of luck wuv, good on you for doing it.  :t-up: 


The only resolution I made was many years ago and I struggle to keep it, partially recently, but is a great maxim - don't sweat the small stuff, and don't worry about things until they happen...because they might never happen and you wasted the effort worrying.

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..........................................2013........................................................ Continue enjoying my life.

Broke my back in 2007

Smashed myself up in 2011 (still got 5 fractures)at a Trackday

Got more bikes

Got a Westie

Continued loving my family

Got a dog

Isn`t life sweet.....2013...why change thing? ??? OK loose a few pounds

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With our first child due in a couple of weeks I guess major changes are afoot anyway but for me:


Work less hours (why give the company free overtime!)


Get fit (same as last year, and the year before that)


And, with our Membership Secretary, try not to sweat the small stuff (as the book of the same title says).

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Well done Steve. A bit at a time though eh?

I've got to do more running and cycling too as I've just hit 15 stone again for the second time. First run for about 6 months was yesterday and I'm aching like a #^%# today! Out on the bike tomorrow though.

10k run booked for 20 January so got to get on with it as I have a chance of beating the other half before she gets fit again. She's talking about doing another marathon again... God help me...

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Congratulations..........love that baby like your life depends on it.

Thanks Graham, certainly will do.

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I have a similar aim to Steve. After my recent health scare last year I finally can start to work on fitness and weight loss. At the moment I tip the scales at 20 stone, some of which was to do with my thyroid which should be now fixed, so for my height I should be 14 stone, so I have a mountain to climb to get that off. That should be worth a load of time on track for little out lay.

One thing I have learnt since then is what the Captain is getting at, the real killer in life is stress, some we need but most is self inflicted and in most cases we can do little about the root course but we can deal with it better by ignoring it and doing what is right for us.

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Same as every year...

Continue to plan world domination.

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I have a similar aim to Steve. After my recent health scare last year I finally can start to work on fitness and weight loss. At the moment I tip the scales at 20 stone, some of which was to do with my thyroid which should be now fixed, so for my height I should be 14 stone, so I have a mountain to climb to get that off. That should be worth a load of time on track for little out lay.

One thing I have learnt since then is what the Captain is getting at, the real killer in life is stress, some we need but most is self inflicted and in most cases we can do little about the root course but we can deal with it better by ignoring it and doing what is right for us.


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Sounds like a few of us could start a weight loss thread. Good luck Steve can't wait for the vids. That's really bad isn't it, the thought of Steve in lycra has a certain something about it. :)


I've apparently agreed in a semi drunken moment to abstain from booze for January starting when the eyes open on 1st (tomorrow) but not including my Friday nights.


Buying a bike computer today, so I can monitor my progress when I get back in the saddle, weather permitting.


Need to lose a few stones in weight to get the power to weight ratio improved.


Need to retire - better things to do with my time. Maybe start the Wainwright walks.


Update my bucket list and knock a few more off.


Happy New Year to everyone whatever and wherever


Bob :d  :d :d  

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Some serious changes there Steve, best of luck!


I'm going to put my myself/us through the house moving thing again.  Not a process I care for much but it needs doing and allows me to fantasise over a new garage!

I have just moved and in the process the Good Lady and I both lost weight (she can ill afford it so we need to stodge a bit now) and I am below 10st 7lb for the first time in decades. :t-up:


It's a very expensive way to lose a few pounds (avoirdupois) - thousands of pounds (Sterling) to stamp duty alone, not to mention the estate agent. But I now have a nice big garage and workshop - whoopee! Some pics may follow when the chaos of cardboard boxes in the garage is resolved. 

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