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hhmmm the youth of today - high expectations or spoiled rotten by us?


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Have you ever thought of going into politics?   BRILLIANT....maybe you have a long lost brother in deepest Essex or my long suffering wife contacted you....begging you to write with wit ...in a way her husband would once again believe in mankind.....At least I`m not alone out there........  Love them,give to them and teach them values....LET THE FORCE BE WITH YOU

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This thread has all the hallmarks of the Monty Pythone scetch. "When I were young we used to lick road wit tongue" etc. Yes some parents are stupid, they give unconditional gifts to their kids and if they can afford it or are happy why do we all have to follow like a herd?

We bought our daughters first and second car, but she knows how lucky she is has it spolit her as a person, well all who know her will tell you that is not the case and there in lies the issue. Some parents do not instill any value past possessions, with Charlotte she has worked as a hospital health care worker during her first degree and is now doing medicene she knows what things are worth and how hard they are to come buy for most people.

Expectation has moved on, Christmas is no longer a shiny new penny an apple and an orange and one gift, it is an exercise in one upmanship for some parents. If you can afford a car for your kids and are happy then do it, if you see your kids expecting everything without work don't. As someone said our kids are what we allow them to become.

  just like this :d
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