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SS 1st timer questions


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The list 1B tyre of choice for sprinting/hillclimbing in something like a Westfield is the Khumo V70A in super soft rubber, however, you couldn't use those for trackdays as they'd be wrecked after 3 or 4 laps on a warm day. Also, if you use your car much on the road your tyres wouldn't last very long! 



This season I've run Kumho supersoft fronts and soft rears. The car has done 2,500 road miles (driven to events, not trailered) and yet even the rear tyres had enough tread left to pass the MOT a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps I'm just not pressing down hard enough (on the loud pedal)?


Grannie Annie.

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The Avon ZZRs are also a very good tyre in the softest compound. There especially good on shorter stuff and cold than the Kuhmos. However they have a very different feel and require some changes in setup to work best.


Ideally have a set of super soft compound and a set of soft/medium compounds of the tyre of your choice on similar dimension wheels. This means you can keep the super softs for competition, and the others for testing without invalidading the testing. However this is for when I't serious and I dont have identical sets. I use one set of tyes for testing and one for sprinting, but will use the sprint tyres for 'sprint' type test sessions.

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Hi Annie, happy new year.

I don't suppose you've done any circuit trackdays on the Khumos? Mine were melting last time out at Anglesey on single laps of the international circuit.

Addy. Pete tried the supersoft Avons, but the only time he found an advantage over the Khumos as far as I am aware was at Gurston Down, which was unusually cold and slippy this year, as far as I know. Like you said, they are really for cold track conditions.

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I ran supersoft Avons at:


Blyton - On bad wheels (to narrow) and they were green tyres. Hated then - put the Kuhmos on and found 2sec straight away


Loton - On same wheels, but gave the tyres time to start to come in. Very different fell to Kuhmos and changes set up to suit the Avons during the day. On the saturday had I been in the right class for loton (2B) my time would have been a new class record. As it was I took 0.6 out of my previous best on Kuhmos. After Loton and talking to the caterham guys felt there was something to the Avons on shorter tracks and hills. However they feel very different (not nice IMHO) and need changes.


Thoresby - After the sucess of Loton, I put the Avons on the right width wheels by swapping them with my Kuhmos. I also took Barry's Kuhmos on wheel in case as championship suddenly looked possible. The Avons felt much better - but still different. I never felt I was going fast or lacked control all weekend, but put in some decent times managing a couple of 102s on times that had already seen FTD  in the past from Barry.


I continued to use these for Brands and Anglesey. I think the Kuhmos might have been as good if they had been warmer events.


I would be trying to have a set of each if I was in roadgoing and wanted to get max benefit. Especially having got some data on set up etc. 

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The Westfield Speed Series was originally design for owners like you who wanted to indulge in some motorsport with their road car.  The Series has evolved since then, some would say degenerated, but the current organisers are now trying to bring back that original ethos by making Classes A & B more like those in the original regulations. 


First the Timing Strut, there are fairly tight rules on the shape size and positioning of the strut, these are laid down in the competitors year book (the Blue Book) which you get with your licence.  If you want to start cutting metal before the Blue Book requirements are as follows. 


10.9. Timing Struts – Where timing is activated by a light beam, the vehicles will be fitted at the front with a vertical timing strut, minimum vertical height 254mm, the bottom of which shall be not less than 180mm and no more than 200mm from the ground. The strut will be in matt black on both sides, over its total area, which shall be not less than 254mm by 51mm. No other, or further forward, part of the vehicle may interrupt these dimensions or actuate the timing.


Windscreen, you will be fine with your full windscreen, there are discussions on this forum as to the advantages or not of running an aeroscreen, in my opinion it's more about saving some weight than aerodynamics.


Tyres, an emotive subject as you will see, you will also see the amount of money that expended on tyres/wheels so for now stick with your road tyres.  Tyres are divided into two categories 1A and 1B typically TOYO TRS and 888s. 1Bs are perhaps the more serious sprint tyre but if you want to use them on trackdays/road then perhaps the harder compound would be better.


My advice would prep your car to meet the safety and technical regulations then give it a go you can then decide on what route you want to take on windscreens and tyres.

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Hi Annie, happy new year.

I don't suppose you've done any circuit trackdays on the Khumos? Mine were melting last time out at Anglesey on single laps of the international circuit.



Hmmmm, the July SEMSEC Lydden  sprint was over 2 3/4 laps (with a 400 mile return journey on the road) and the Kumhos were consistent on each run. I don't think that I was being too much of a mimser since I won my class by 3 seconds and set the fastest time on road tyres (admittedly there was quite a small entry).


I think that the K12 (supersoft) and K22 (soft) are still the latest Kumho compounds and I am likely to get another set for this season (again hoping to get 12 months out of them). I am on 15" front and 16" rear wheels so the Avon ZZR is a non-starter, the much-vaunted 13" Avons being completely different tyres (compounds, tread pattern).


Grannie Annie.

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Nice one - really starting to gather info now. Looking forward to having some fun, and meeting you lot :-)

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With all due respect guys, and Annie, this post was about a first timer asking a few simple questions after reading some of posts he'd be forgiven for thinking he needs a £30K plus car and a £10K per season budget, Maybe he does. :down:


I'm convinced this is exactly why entries in the Speed Series are falling year on year.  I've been around motorsport for over 40 years and have seen club formula come and go and the ones that have lasted are those that control costs.  Until the Speed Series can have at least some classes with regulations that strictly control costs and enforce those regulations we will continue to see falling entries. 


God I'm starting to sound like Mid Life Crisis so let’s get on with trying to help people get into sprinting rather than frightening them away.

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Martin,  Hi mate, i'm going sprinting this year, budget of £500-£700 quid for the year, will be sleeping in a tent or my pick-up and running whatever tyres ive got until they are knackered.  I only want to be able to put the suit and gloves on to say "i've had a go".  Will only manage 3 or four weekends but with 5 kids and 3 horses my car is the only thing that doesnt "eat" all week long.  I'm looking forward to meeting Dodgey and Filfan in the paddock and sharing the new experience.... roll on summer i say :-) 



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My budget will also be tight. Sleeping in the back of the Landy or a tent.

Already have practically new 888's and the only big spend will be suit n helmet

I'm planning on doing blyton and thoresby as there on my doorstep but will see which others take my fancy and how soon I finish wiring the car and getting the engine in

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My budget will also be tight. Sleeping in the back of the Landy or a tent.

Already have practically new 888's and the only big spend will be suit n helmet

I'm planning on doing blyton and thoresby as there on my doorstep but will see which others take my fancy and how soon I finish wiring the car and getting the engine in

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Looking forward to it Filfan....  I heard SteveD loves camping so we might another buddy under canvas......  if he ever gets off the treadmill  :p

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I have heard about Steve and the gimp masks

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