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What temperature do you have your thermostat on

Norman Verona

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17 Degrees here - but only in the evening. I wear three layers!  Bought a 2nd wireless stat which I take into the room I'm in with me.


I've also covered several of my windows and French doors with that double glazing cling film like plastic - that you heat up with a hair dryer and it goes taut. Works like a charm! (I live in a large listed Edwardian house - no double glazing and lots of huge sash windows)

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Set ours to run all day at 20 with the boiler set at minimum thinking this should keep the gas bills down.

Got a bit of a shock with last months gas bill that came through though, higher than ever!

Working for British Gas I've been telling all the customers houses I've been in that this will be the most efficient way of running their heating, I started to think have I been telling them the wrong thing??

This was until her indoors admitted she's been turning the room stat up to 26 during the day and back to 20 for when I get home!!!!!


I heard the same and tried it about a decade ago and my bill went through the roof. 


As for the wife with the thermostats - lol! :-)

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Just had the same. She's obsessed with the controller but has no idea how to set it, what it's doing or even why we have it. Well maybe not that bad.


It was very sunny today and the sun was shining into the day room where the thermo is. The room got hot. The thermo turned the boiler off so this room was warm but the others got cold. I turned the temperature up to 22 to get her warm (she has a bad cough and cold (toff & told)). I came in here a few minutes ago and turned the temperature down to 18.


She's just been in here looking at the control and the boiler shouting that the boiler's on and it shouldn't be because the temperature is 18.1. I keep telling her that the radio signal is transmitted every 6 minutes so it will go over 18 until the transmission of the signal to the receiver. As I was telling her this the controller sent its signal and the boiler went off. She left the room muttering about "silly thing".




Dodgey, tell em more about this plastic film. Is it the 3M film? I'll have a search but if you know what it is can you let me know. Thanks.

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just re-read this - our woodburner is 4.4 Kw and does the whole house.... i must be lucky but im sat here in a t-shirt 3 rooms away from it and i aint cold..... :-) i do have plenty of wood mind.....

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Same type of thing here with rad stats as well. Works a treat. Boiler set to 24/7 on, controlled by the stat only. 


When you go away on hols can also set it to a low temp whilst away but go back to normal programme before you come back.


Could programme it to block manual override.... 

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3M do it too.


That's actually a double pack - 1.5m x8m - so a lot of windows.


The film comes with a huge roll of double sided tape. You tape round the edge of your window frame, stick the plastic film on, wrinkles are no problem. Then you heat it with a hair dryer, or heat gun in my case, and it goes taut and all the wrinkles disappear- it's almost invisible once done.


My kitchen window: - you can see it is there at night time due to the reflections. In the day you'd never know it was there if you were not looking for it. I've just done my Sister's house windows and we have put post-it notes on them so visiting kids know it is there and don't stick their fingers through it!




A close up below - you can see where the double sided tape is.




The tape is fairly easy to pull away form the gloss. Whether is still is in the spring remains to be seen. It makes a HUGE difference with old single glazed sash windows.


All draughts are immediately gone and the plastic film doesn't feel cold like the glass does. When I installed it in my dining room it became the warmest room in the house instantly.


I've now don't most of my windows, including completely sealing in some French doors :-)

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18 if I can get away with it but 'ere indoors doesn't have any blood so it usually gets turned up to 20 :(

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Thanks Dodgey, I'll see if I can get some over here. If not Daughter will be cursing me as I'll ask her to get it and post it.


Funny, I have opposite problem with HM. We lived in a big (3 cottages into one) stone built, single glazed house for 14 years. She always insisted on having the room stat on 21. I was always cold. I kept telling her she should ignore the marks on the stat and just set it so the house was warm.


On the night before we left to come here I turned it up and she remarked, "It's nice and warm in here, must be because the house is empty"

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Its set at 17 down here in the South, but then we never really get that cold down here.

Need to investigate if my chimney is real, in which case the gas fire is going next year and a log burner installed

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When we moved here Richard said that they had long autumns and springs and 6 weeks of very cold winter. He wasn't that wrong. But winter is mostly below freezing. When we had the ducks I had to break through the ice every morning so they could splash around in the water (cleans their feathers). I only failed once, the pond had completely frozen! 


Last winter we had about a week of -15 c.

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