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What temperature do you have your thermostat on

Norman Verona

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anyone tried the digital rad stats yet that you can program or operate them remotly

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Mines set to 24degC :oops: but then it is fitted 2" away from the boiler so it tends to measure the hear of that and thinks the house is hotter than it really is :bangshead:

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You lot got your heating on already.

Not been cold enough to switch mine on yet 

And us southerners are meant to be soft  :oops:

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22 in evening and HID still turns it up and says it's cold....

Must get her some more jumpers.

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Set ours to run all day at 20 with the boiler set at minimum thinking this should keep the gas bills down.

Got a bit of a shock with last months gas bill that came through though, higher than ever!

Working for British Gas I've been telling all the customers houses I've been in that this will be the most efficient way of running their heating, I started to think have I been telling them the wrong thing??

This was until her indoors admitted she's been turning the room stat up to 26 during the day and back to 20 for when I get home!!!!!

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I start the day with a cold bath . Dont have heating on at all .

I do wear my dinghy dry suit over 4 layers of thermals though and

I take one off for bed.

Fill the dry suit up with hot water when it gets really cold.

Will get better when hole in roof and broken windows are fixed .i8

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22 in evening and HID still turns it up and says it's cold....

Must get her some more jumpers.


Tell me about it!


Yvonne is not happy until the wallpaper is just starting to peel off the walls!  Then I look and she is wearing a short sleeved blouse.

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We've one of the those 7 day programmable stats - 17.5 at night, 18.5 early morning, 18 during the day 20 from 4pm onwards. Got is from Screwfix -seems to work ok ( We dont have rad stats)

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anyone tried the digital rad stats yet that you can program or operate them remotly


We had the boiler moved in to the roof when we got this place.


The plumber gave us a remote stat, It sits in the living room set at 10%, So with the log burner it never comes on unless we are away for a few days,


If it's really cold and we havent put any smokeless fuel on over night, I tell the wife to bring it upstairs, then when she wakes, if it's cold she can just raise the stat temp to kick the heating on.

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18.5 but the heating shuts down at 10 PM and restarts at 6 AM.  Lots of insulation in the loft, basement converted into an office and den made a big difference in stopping the cold rising up through the floorboards.

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I'm afraid we haven't got this draughty old house well insulated. We still have 3 single glazed windows. The other 4 are double glazed as are the 4 Velux in the roof. The roof is insulated but not as much as I would have liked. It was done by the chaps who built the gites and they used some Kingspan that was here. I fear they never taped the joints as I found the rolls of tape behind one of the trusses a few years after they'd gone.


Our remote thermo is in the day room. This is the largest room. All the downstairs rooms have 2 large (2 kw) rads in them. So I guess the other rooms are warmer than 18. All rads have thermo valves.


When we moved back to the UK for 6 months and were about to buy a house there, HM shocked me, on the morning we were going to the solicitor to start the ball rolling, when she announced that as we had a perfectly good house in France why were we buying another? But the condition was I did it up and installed central heating.


Now she runs round turning all the rads off as she's too hot.



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Been monitoring heating costs last couple of months. Found much cheaper (40%) to run heating full time but only have radiators on in the rooms in use rather than heat whole house for a limited number of hours. Downside of course is some parts are now hovering around 10C-12C but overall it's more comfortable.

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I don't think that would work here. We have 6 rooms but only 2 internal doors. It's a sort of open plan.


The other "problem" which can be a benefit is 50 cm thick stone walls. Takes about 3 days to get heat into the house whilst the stone absorbs the heat. The benefit is that the heating can go off an hour before we go to bed as the heat then radiates from the walls.

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Mine's at 18/19. I probably heat the flats above too - could have done with some insulation between the ceiling and the concrete floors when built I reckon. Surprised there weren't government standards to say so!

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I start the day with a cold bath . Dont have heating on at all . I do wear my dinghy dry suit over 4 layers of thermals though and I take one off for bed. Fill the dry suit up with hot water when it gets really cold. Will get better when hole in roof and broken windows are fixed .i8

That about explains why you suddenly went up from 14 to 23 stone :)


must be really handy when you need to P :t-up:

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