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What temperature do you have your thermostat on

Norman Verona

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Heating, not car.


In the interests of economy I have ours set to 18 c. We wear a jumper in the house whereas, in the UK it was tee shirts and huge heating bills.


I'm hoping to last on one tank of gas this year.


Last year we used two but the new boiler had no thermostat during the really cold spell and was on 24/7 for about 3 weeks. Typical French plumber didn't tell me the thermostat/time controller was an option before installation. Then took 3 months to get and fit it.

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18 here wuv

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21deg for us hard northern lads and lasses :laugh:

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just leave our heating on 24/7 and adjust with the the radiator stats. its prob around 18/19deg though


when we moved into the house we use to have it on a timer but it took that long to warm up and used so much gas it worked out cheaper to leave it on. all we do at night is turn the wall stat down a bit to stop the house getting cold.

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dont have one - just a woodburner - keeps everything about 22 degrees...... have to throw a few extra logs to get the pool up to temperature mind......

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Our controller is set by selected the time it used the day programme and when day goes to night. So it's on 24/7 just different temps for day/night.


The stat is in the day room which, I suspect, is under radiatored. I have 2 x 2 kw rads in each of the 3 downstairs rooms. But the day room is almost twice the size of the kitchen. When the porch is finished I'm hoping the kitchen will be OK with 1 rad and then I can move the other to the day room.


We have a wood burner in the lounge but it's not very good. It's old and has broken fire bricks inside it. It just consumes wood and not much heat is generated. I only know this by comparing it with other folks burners. We have a 5 chord (not sure if that's a cubic metre) in one of the outbuildings.


Anyway, thanks folks, it seems we aren't running too cold.

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HID has it on max , she still wears an overcoat and thermals , hat , socks and mitts . I use the spare room and have the window open for a dose of fresh air (well what passes for fresh around here )

Spent most of yesterday walking on Conwy mountain, very bracing, then when I get home its like walking into a sauna , don't complain it isnt worth the agro and she pays tha gas bill anyway , god bless her :t-up:  

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My stat is set at 10%,


Like Alexander 72 we have a log burner,


It's rated at 7 and a half K watts, which for our living room is well suited, We leave the door to the hall and stairs wide open and any heat not needed goes upstairs and heats all of up stairs,


We leave the other door wide open to the kitchen untill the tempreture drops to below 5% then we just pull it too without closing it,


Get ALL my wood free from local heavy duty metal fabricators,  3 mtr long pallets, 3" x 2" with same sized runners, kiln dried and burns loverly.


Get your log burner repaired Norman, it will be more economical in the long run!

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I may buy a new one. The new designs seem far more efficient.


Forgot to say that 42 years ago when HM brought our first born home we left the gas central heating on 24/7 over that winter. Our gas bills went down!


However, as we don't like it on in the bedroom and I have installed two small rads just to take the chill off.


Before the CH I had a paraffin heater in the bathroom and it would register -5 in the cold few weeks we get here. Imagine coming out of a shower into -5!

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Keep ours on 3 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening with all the rad stats at 2. It's only to keep the chuffing cats warm as neither of us are at home much. I would turn it off when we are away but apparently that's cruel. To be fair the cats pretty much sit on the log burner when it's running and if they had opposable thumbs would probably light it as we'll

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Norman - get some thermostats on your rads - I use oil in France - and main stat on boiler is set to around 20degs with each rad adjusted to suit whether room in use or not (9 rads in total) - heating on 24/7 and once house is warmed up generally stays around 18 to 20 - I also have an 11kw multi-fuel burner in lounge and once stoked up and knocking out heat the rads turn themselves down to min - admittedly my new boiler is far more efficient than the ancient old thing that I used to have

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