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Speed Series 2013 - Regs now out

Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

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The drag on a cage could well be significant. Has anyone tried streamlining the tubing? Not altering the tubing itself of course, but with some nice carbon fibre add-ons. Could be a marketing opportunity.

I predict a conversation with Mick.

Remember where you saw it first...

Have a look at Section K 1.7 of the Blue book which specifically forbids this.

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Can I have a special class for people with CVH engines, windscreens, swept wings and no talent whatsoever please? Might be in with a shout! :t-up:

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Scott - i'm in that class with my x-flow mate, i will follow along behind you. I have a lovely little car but about 4 stone to loose and some driving skills to learn.... :)

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Glad it won't just be me next year then lacking in skills :)

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Great news, I never could see over that screen, anybody want to buy a screen, cheaper than ASDA price

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Great news, I never could see over that screen, anybody want to buy a screen, cheaper than ASDA price

Mine might be cheaper. Then again, I might keep it in the garage in case they change the rules again. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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That was my thoughts too Stephen :) although if I don't get my engine back soon the car will be staying with them...

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You will need your screens to run in roadgoing classes at some events, If you stick with aeroscreen then you will probably have to enter slick/modified class at northern events

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Best make them quick release then

:d :d :d :d

Sorry couldn't resist

In fact it only becomes relevent if you feel you have a chance of honours in a specific class at that event.

Unless the rules have changed, your times will be calculated regardless of the class you run in, but against other competing drivers running in your individual SS class. Therefore it doesn't matter if you come last in the class you are allocated on the day, if you are the quickest driver in your SS class you will still get the points.

However if you are making a bid, to pick up a pot a for a class win, you will possibly need to fit a windscreen to comply with the class regs on the day. This however may be detremental to the points you score in your SS class, as almost certainly there will be other cars from your SS class out with aeroscreens. Hope that makes sense.

Not good for the ego though if you are put in the same class as "G/H" cars if you are running in "A" then having the times published :(

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MLC's analysis is good. Rules haven't changed; no matter what class you find yourself in on the day, you will be reclassified into your correct Speed Series class for SS point scoring. Steve (MLC) is also right about the possibility of finding yourself in with "fire breathing monsters" in your class on the day, but that's down to the views of the club running the event (note: all but three of the thirty or so events in the Speed Series calendar are run by other clubs). In the past, I've found myself "reclassified" by the organizing club for: aeroscreen, 1B tyres, and even cross-ply tyres! Unless you are worried by "pots on the day" though, it doesn't matter -- you'll know who your competitive benchmarks at the event are, and those are the people you'll try to beat. Compete and enjoy the day!

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