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Speed Series 2013 - Regs now out

Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

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I suspect there’s little or no disadvantage to having a windscreen, compared to an aeroscreen, on the hills,


Judging by how quick you were going in 2011 and I assume 2012 Howard I think you proved that point.

Still it's one less job for me to do :t-up: and also gives me the option of F aswell... sweet. Whether the car will be ready for March 2013 is a moot point at the moment... slight lack of engine power at the moment. :cry:

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Trouble is, just thinking about myself, that although I like the hills, I've come to the conclusion that I shall stick mainly to the sprints now because most sprints are on tracks where there is some run-off whereas a lot of the hills are very unforgiving if you are pressing on and overcook it.

Loton Park, Shelsley Walsh and Wiscombe Park in particular don't tend to take prisoners, whereas places like Castle Combe Aintree and Anglesey do have at least a bit of run-off, and those are the very tracks where the difference would show up I think.

I should add, that yes, Mid Life, you are of course quite correct, I did get it the wrong way round. I posted in haste. Having removed my factory fitted aeroscreen, and sold it for a song, and purchased a windscreen, screen support pillars (2 sets!) and wing mirrors, and wiper kit, all with a view to competing in class D next year, I wasn't best pleased to read the new daft draft regs. :cry: :cry: :cry::p :p :p

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Woops! I guess it was not the heat of competition that brought down the red mist this morning ???

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i think the new screen rule should allow all WSCC competitors (in roadgoing) to align themselves with the regs 'on the day' of the organising clubs at their chosen events,

Also the combination of the tyre/screen relaxation should help novice/new competitors ease their way into competition without being put up into the more modified classes straight away

From attendance at various 'Area days' at Curborough it was noticed that quite a few cars had aeroscreens/1b tyres but otherwise were quite standard and unmodified

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well observed woodman..... :d I cant wait to get out there and give it a run....

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Have to say that I moved from screen/RAC-bar in 2011 to aeroscreen/cage in 2012 and did not notice any particular improvement in sprint times (I also think that hillclimbs are for people with more testes than brain cells -- just a personal opinion you understand). No idea where the "10 mph" idea comes from. . . . .

. . . . of course, it could be that I'm just getting old :down:

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You will now be able to use list 1a or 1b tyre in A and B

this is inline with all the event organising clubs who allow both tyres in roadgoing classes

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Nope you can have 1B

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Have to say that I moved from screen/RAC-bar in 2011 to aeroscreen/cage in 2012 and did not notice any particular improvement in sprint times (I also think that hillclimbs are for people with more testes than brain cells -- just a personal opinion you understand). No idea where the "10 mph" idea comes from. . . . .

Here is a clue David

Simon Westwood told me they reckoned that the fullscreen cars were about 10 mph slower in top speed than the aero screen cars, for a given spec.

Quote from StephenH post

. . . . of course, it could be that I'm just getting old :down:

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10mph with aeroscreen above 100mph

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You will now be able to use list 1a or 1b tyre in A and B

this is inline with all the event organising clubs who allow both tyres in roadgoing classes

Well there we go then, is the engine size going to be in line with all the other event organising clubs.

i.e. up to 1700cc, then 2000cc and over?

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I genuinely cannot remember if I still have it but I MAY still have the aero screen from my car in the garage somewhere.

If i can find it and If it helps you can have it for free if you want it.

The orange might look a bit odd with the red but you could stick some vinyl wrap on it .

Mark A

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