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Pinto In A Westfield


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Another vote for the boat anchor. Rebuilding my 2.0 was great fun and proved to be a great engine to learn on. Cheap parts and loads of tuning goodies readily available . Mine makes 135 bhp at the wheels and if you prod the loud pedal the noise is brilliant ( FZR 1000 bike carbs and no air box!!). Not sure if I would upgrade even if I had the spare dough the simplicity of the Pinto suits my Ludite mechanical skills just fine.

Cheers, Sean.

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+1 :yes:

I've no idea what mine makes at the wheels but it makes the right noise and scares me witless on occasions. It is also fairly basic engineering which suits my numptie skills.

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Don't forget the "Self replenishing chassis corrosion protection system". Pinto's like to leak oil. Not driven a non Pinto engined Westy apart from the factory drift cars, but I do like mine. 150bhp now and plenty scary enough for me.


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If you want to upgrade - you can always use the Pinto's block to make it into a YB.

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Another vote for pinto power!

Generally a cheaper option for an initial purchase of a complete car, cheap parts etc and it still makes a quick car.... :t-up:


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Another vote for the Pinto.

I bought my Westfield 2 years ago and opted for the Pinto purely for its simplicity and easyily tuneable.

In the time I have had mines I have destroyed one block and damaged the head, so a replacement engine was purchased and fitted, the old head was sent away for modification to big inlet and outlet valves and a ridiculous profile cam, unleaded stems, and I replaced the head myself, despite having no mechanical qualifications. I have since fitted 45s and a larger exhaust manifold.

The carbs have no filtration at the moment and cupled to a small 12x6" silencer gives one awesome induction and exhaust roar at full tilt. The car is massively quick once up hrough the revs and hopefuly in the new year will get a rolling road session to see what it is pushing ut and hopefully get the carbs rejetted to give a better torque curve.

Had I bought a Zetec or redtop, then I probably would be struggling to do this type of work Its been a good learning experience.

The car more than keeps up with other Westfields with the newer lighter engines.

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