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Well, The C0Ck Didn't Do That Bad.

Norman Verona

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They said it was "rose water" not champagne.

Dodgey, I was repeating what had just been broadcast on national TV. I was not showing people getting seriously injured or killed as if it was a sport. There's a report button if it offends you that much.

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snapback.pngterry everall, on 04 November 2012 - 03:36 PM, said:

Did I hear our national anthem at the final ceremony

Why was that?

For Lotus ??

Technically they are Luxembourg owned (maybe they didn't have the Luxembourg national anthem to hand...) although I suspect they are British registered. When Red Bull won their first race the FIA played the British national anthem and not the Austrian one by mistake.

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For Lotus ??

First line of the wikipedia entry on Lotus F1 is: "Lotus F1 Team is a British Formula One racing team" -- seems the FIA believe that too!

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Also remember English is the second language for most of the drivers and they pick up the colloquial stuff they hear around them.

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I find this with the English speaking French. They hear the "f" word so often they don't realise it's an impolite word to use. However, it is becoming part of everyday language. Reminds me of someone using it in front of a young lady in the early sixties. She protested. He responded with "If you're such a lady you won't know what it means, if you do, you're not a lady"

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No one got seriously injured nor did they get killed.

There is a profanity filter for a reason, which you decided to work around. The fact that someone swore on tv doesn't instantly make it ok to repeat ? Or perhaps it does?

Normally I couldn't care less, but when you have a go at another member, For his post, claiming the moral high ground, that this is a family forum then you really should watch your language or you end up looking like a fool.

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No one got seriously injured nor did they get killed

And how do you know that?

I'll accept I'm a fool, I'm answering this, aren't I.

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Oh, they do have alcohol in Abu Dhabi it seems! Mainly champers

it was Rose Water, as it is illegal to have alcohol in a public place in Abu Dhabi

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Pity there were so many accidents, mainly due to C**ks thinking they could both drive on the same bit of track at the same time.

Interesting however when 2 world champions (strictly one w.c. and one former one) they managed it without hitting a thing.

Just goes to show, there are quite a number of very fast drivers in F1 who think they are brilliant, but only a very small number who actually are.

Mechanical problems yet again for Hammy (no, not the one from Derby ;) ;) ) what was it this time??

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Fuel pump failed - I know how that feels!

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mmmmmmmmmmmm rose water

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How is Vettel a dangler? He came from last twice and came third overall. Jealousy is not a great quality.

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