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Well, The C0Ck Didn't Do That Bad.

Norman Verona

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How is Vettel a dangler? He came from last twice and came third overall. Jealousy is not a great quality.

he's still a dangler

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Fantastic race from start to finish, utterly entertaining, what a drive from Seb, to come from last to third....shame about Lewis as he clearly could have done it, but great new for lotus.........

Let the usual f1 haters have their say...and that's fine...I enjoyed it. Doubt Seb is a dangler, but then I don't know him as well as others.

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I have no doubt they can all be male members at times, as you don't get to the top as a F1 driver by being a complete charmer.

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think thats the best f1 race ive watched this year maybe in the last 3 years,so good I didnt drop off to sleep which is unusual :blush: :blush: :oops: :oops: great drive from Seb, at one point after the restart I actually thought he might get to the front, I think anyone that has raced in a competitive grid will appreciate how hard it is to pass and make up places , im not a big follower of F1 but after seeing him on Top gear I thought he came across really well so not sure why the negativity against him but hey ho, I also like button and hamilton :t-up:

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three words: Action action action ! :t-up:

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Annoying triumphalism.

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some is shouting to Vettel - " i really wanna see those fingers" in the style of Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer... i had a great Nap from lap twelve to lap 35......

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Behave now boys!

From my prospective.......... And I'm nearly 10 years younger than Norm!

If the coming together had not happened, when Mr webber's rear right hand side was removed! ( the car idiots!)

Mr 1 finger "I won" ( in a squeaky voice!) would have been in about 7th place.

And having a "Poke" at one another regarding previous posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is to short to fall out with everyone over nothing!

Unless it's Steve D, ( Wuvi ;) )

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