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2013 Speed Series Regs

Terry Everall

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I thought you guys had the ASWMC down that way...? Is that no good...?

Yeh, we do have the ASWMC but even some of those events are 2,3 or 4hrs away. We have the cornish speed series too, but last year we lost our sprint circuit at St. Eval, losing 6 sprints, we failed to get 50 entries to Portreath, losing two events. Castle hillclimb was cancelled due to weather, and Tregrehan hillclimb failed to get enough entries on two occasions. All in all a very bad year and state of affairs down this way.

Next year I think i shall travel to Wiscombe, even thats 2-3hrs away but i missed my chance at the end of last season. I'll have to see if I can tun a sub 41sec run to match my nearest competator from the Cornwall Speed series!

Be great if its when a few of you guys are there.

PS. Sorry about the thread hi-jack.

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So who is the SSOT? You, Stu, ACW and Matt? That represents classes E, F and H as far as I can tell

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So who is the SSOT? You, Stu, ACW and Matt? That represents classes E, F and H as far as I can tell

Good point well made John

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I believe Mark Anson is on it and represents class G

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If you read your magazine earlier in the Year we published the "Speed Series Ethos" this told you all about who does what and how it is organised. I would suggest you all dig it out and have a read, it really is most informative.

Got to rush, very busy organising an Awards Evening for some funny car club.

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Bet there's no representative for class B on the team! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Does that mean I'm screwed next year ?

No - you will be just fine. Ignore my silly rant

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what happens if only a couple of people enter a class? also if you start the season in a class do you have to stay in that class for the season

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Not a problem if only a few in a class

You can register for other classes if you want

Watch out for new regs for 2013 should be out soon but in reality you can drive in whatever class you want depending on car specification

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so who represents j :laugh:

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Bu99er J, lets make sure the proper Speed Series classes are sorted first!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Poor Steve

I still wuv you and the Exige

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