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Classic Car Rescue...


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Is that the windscreen pillar or has Steve got a crocodile clip on his left nipple :o that's gotta hurt :laugh:

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I deliberately didn't watch this weeks.... did I miss anything good :d

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Not by the normal definition of 'good' :laugh:

More of the same contrived nonsense and shouting :arse: It is funny though :d

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Not by the normal definition of 'good' :laugh:

More of the same contrived nonsense and shouting :arse: It is funny though :d

It's definatly amusing. I would be very interested to see exactly how much input those two had on that build. I recon most of the work was done by those people not bernie etc. the filming and commentary is just a bit too simplistic to figure it out. It's the guy from how do they do that and it's just the same as when he's doing one of those tv programs.

The inspection guy is from here


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I am voting for this programme with the 'off' button, I wish all would do the same and perhaps Ch 5 will get the message.

The first episode was one too far.

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I think this programme would be improved if they replaced Cockney W<a>nker and his Canadian chum with the Chuckle Brothers. It would be just as factually informative and make the slapstick elements (windscreen dropping, suspension falling off etc) much funnier.

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Why is it that a programme that is universally disliked by our members/users get 6 pages of comment?

Only an observation you understand.

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It sure makes Wheeler Dealers look good!

And that's saying something!

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another crock of crap

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Actually, I've learned how to watch Wheeler Dealers - mute on, fast forward the first bit and through the first commercials, then watch Ed fix the car at normal speed. Any time Mike Brewer turns up, fast forward. Keep up until car complete. Then change channels or delete program when Mike Brewer turns up to patronise you by selling the car and making a loss in the real world if Ed's time and premises costs are taken into account, which they never are.

This is similar to reading a UK newspaper. Read headline. Read first paragraph. Read last paragraph. Ignore everything in the middle. Example:

Headline: "Asylum Seeker Numbers Grow At Alarming Rate" (Daily Fail)

First paragraph: "There has been a massive influx of asylum seekers entering the UK, according to the latest survey figures."

Middle bit to skip is all fluff, puff and :arse: gravy.

Last paragraph: "The survey, done by the Daily Fail of Daily Fail readers, asked, "Do you think too many immigrants have come into this country in the last 100 years?"

Works on any paper. Amazing how much time it saves.

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Scott, why bother reading it at all?

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I have to know what the bird is talking about after he reads it at the bottom of his cage.

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