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Factory Carbon Wings. Sorry If Its A Repost


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It does seem that parts from Westfield are more expensive than other VERY similar parts available from elsewhere.

Maybe if they reduced the costs, then more people would buy their products and overall Westfield would actually benefit? IMO

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Agree with previous posts.

Whilst accepting that 'branded' parts are always likely to be more expensive than aftermarket, with an added assurance that most bits should 'fit' first time and should be of reliable quality, the price difference when compared to some popular parts and upgrades is quite staggering.

I, for one, would make the company my first port of call if there appeared to be a more reasonable balance in retail costs.

I, like many others I'm sure, would like to support the marque more but when similar bits are widely available elsewhere for significantly less money, it's very difficult to make that choice

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Not defending anyone but...

Don't make the assumption that all Westfield owners, including members, know that there are alternative, cheaper products available.

I'm sure Westfield are selling enough of these upgrade components otherwise they would drop the price.

Just do a simple sum. How many more do they have to sell to keep the same profit if they reduce the price by, say, 20%. It's a lot.

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Hmmm, not too sure on that one Norman

I know that most companies have a pricing strategy and balancing turnover and profit per item will lead some to decide that a 'high price low turnover' model is the one that they believe will yield the most net profit

It's a fine line I'm certain, but I can only guess it's because turnover is relatively low that drives the higher price. I don't think that we'll ever know if a pricing strategy that placed some of the more popular items on a par with the alternatives out there would actually result in more profit for the company, despite reduced margins. All I can say is that I, for one, would be more likely to spend money with them in this scenario just to support the brand a bit more

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do you need new cycle wings Mark ???? :p after your central reservation grass mowing trip..... :yes:

I have cracked a wing...still to work out if I'll need anything else James!

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If Westfield were to do these as already mentioned for £400 it wouldn't be that far off from Fluke's prices anyway by the time you add delivery etc , although it would be good to compare quality as Fluke being partners with Caterham and KTM you would assume that the quality would be the best although i have seen quite a lot of Fluke parts myself and my own view is that it wouldn't take a lot to improve on it .

My own view is that the Westfield cycle wings look far better than any others available , Caterham Csr type look good although they never seem to have enough return on the sides like the Westfield ones which have more return and seems to make the tyre/wheel sit 'right'

If anyone else had a good look at Carbon parts fitted to some of the cars on suppliers stands at Stoneleigh I was disapointed with the quality , however it will be interesing to see the quality of these and whether the price matches the quality .

I too will always support the factory when I can and Russell has been a great help supplying parts for my sigma installation :) despite being shortstaffed on many occasions and has always looked after me ;)

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Lets be fair if they answered the phone half the time they would sell more

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Actually, I'm another that's always seemed to get through to either Russ or Gavin with few issues - much of the time straight away, sometimes I've needed to call back it's true, but no issues still.

I recently bought a new roof, as an experiment I decided to order off the web site, via the email form. (the version of roof I wanted isn't or wasn't in the store). I got an answer through within a working day - also by email, fired back a question and again got an answer back next working day. I ordered it, planning on picking up from the factory once it had been made.

As it happened,Gavin emailed me to say the roof kit was in just before Donnington, which was handy, as I arranged to pick it up from Russ at the show.

Excellent service.

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^^^^^ I'm with you Dave, always good service.

Why do these kind of threads always end up in a "lets have a go at Westfield Parts Dept"

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Hmmm, not too sure on that one Norman

Mark, how would you price them then. By that I mean what criteria would you use for the retail price.

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If we're talking about items that have an aftermarket alternative...cycle wings, wide-track kit, lighting etc. then as close to the market alternatives as possible. My point was that there just seems to be a bit of a gulf in price difference on many things that naturally leads you to look elsewhere

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I think it's more difficult with things like cycle wings and wishbones that are made by Westfield as you can get into arguments about quality etc. Clearly though if we're talking twice as much for an equivalent part then we're right to at least question it.

There are however a lot of components such as drive train, hubs, brakes, steering racks, cooling system etc etc where the same off the shelf part is available elsewhere for a lot less.

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