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Length Of Ownership


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Even with the torrid time I've had, still proud owner can't wait to get it back on the road (with zetec this time :d ) Overall ownership from "dumped on drive" is 2 1/2 years. Car/project is much older than that (24 years)! Expect ownership to be many years, unless something major happens again then SWMBO may have something to say. Here's hoping. :t-up:

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Bought the kit in 1993 and it was on the road August 1994. The day I put it on the road my old man pitched up with a photo of me standing next to a lotus 7 exactly 30 years to the day before I got mine on the road. As I had been about 2 at the time I had no knowledge of the photo. Weird eh?

Since then 5 foreign hols all to the alps and 50k miles. Pretty it isnt. But it is therapy.

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Owned this one for about 7 1/2 years, a few changes made along the way. Can't see any reason to sell as it still makes me smile every time I drive it. :)


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1 year of ownership so far. Never want to sell. Been discovering all about upgradeitis, I think it's going to keep me busy for many years... or at least until I run out of money. Trouble is, one of the reasons I got the car is I told SWMBO that it's cheap insurance, cheap to maintain cos I'll do it myself etc. etc. If she knew that in fact it's costing loads more than the previous car (Z4) cos I keep buying stuff for it - then I'll have to sell quick (the SWMBO that is!).

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coming up to four years for me - still loving every minute of it

really would love a TVR t350 but there is no way would get rid of the westy to part fund a change

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I must admit I do like the z4 as a daily drive and I find it as fun as the westy on most roads. I think it's the fact you can have the top down at a moments notice so those days where you fancy it on the way home you can.

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12 months and two weeks, with it being a built car for just coming up to a month now. I think I'd be more open to chopping and changing if I hadn't built it. The only reason it would leave my ownership would be if I needed to release the money tied up in it and I hope that never happens

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Built mine 21 years ago and cannot imagine life without it. Another one that is like triggers broom.New chassis, new body, new engine etc.etc

Still taking the tablets to stop upgrateitus but they are not working

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Still taking the tablets to stop upgrateitus but they are not working

What are those tablets called please? I want to try them. I got to try something...

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Picked up the kit october 2010. 1st registered 1st june 2012

Can't imagine selling it as it's the result of a lifetime ambition, but never say never. I wouldn't feel so attached if I hadn't built it myself.

I've a pretty secure job so shouldn't need to sell it for money (but never say never :oops: ) and I don't really think of it as a car so don't really consider depreciation. The tax and insurance don't cost much, so even if I don't use it I don't mind too much.

I just wish my garage was bigger so I could polish it indoors when it's foul outside. :(

Obviously though I'm still in the honeymoon period, ask me again in a few years :d

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My old crossflow has been with me in various forms since March 1992, so it's just over 20.5 years since I built it.and after about two years my wife said "So what are you going to build now?" I said that this was the only type of car I'd ever realistically fancied and been able to afford. REAL GT40s excepted, obviously. If money didn't come into it, I wouldn't mind trying a new Caterham of some sort .... gasp..... or a freshly restored original Elan (with a reliable engine!)


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Length of ownership......

Not long enough!!!

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