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Captain Colonial

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Scott, that is a wonderful tribute. What great memories.

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my condolences Scott, it seems that earth will be a lesser place without your oldman as a part of it, your words were beautiful, brought a tear to my eye, may his memory live on in the ever so slightly mad man we call the cap'n, that he brought into this world all those years ago!

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What did you have to go and post that for Scott? I filled up big time.

God bless you and you Mam n' Dad.

The precious memories wont go away, enjoy them,

Like many of a certain age on here I've been there too,

In my case 19 years (Dad) and 49 years ago (Mam) but the memories are still there in the shape of loads of black and white photos, in fact I may go and dig out one of the albums again, they're great things.

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When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. My thoughts are with you.

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