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Captain Colonial

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Many condolences Scott ......... excellent words and beautiful memories

I couldn't put it better that that myself so I won't bother... sorry to hear this Scott

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Lovely words well written.

Like others, found a few tears welling-up there.

Sorry to hear of your loss Scott.

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Many condolensces Scott, beautiful words, keep them fresh in your mind and he will live on forever.


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Scott that's a fabulous tribute and has made me well up bigtime. My Dad's been gone almost 26 years now and I still miss the cantankerous sod almost every day - but have loads of happy memories in which he lives on.

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To all of you who have taken the time and trouble to respond, both here and privately - thank you so much, one and all. Your outpouring of kindness, care and warmth brings me very great comfort at a difficult time. I went out and had a private blat this afternoon, the warm late summer sun and brisk breeze on my face - and remembered the man who started my passion for cars as I rolled on.

Bless you, one and all. :)

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Truly moving words, be strong for the rest of the family and give him a great send off.

I have a great big lump in my throat now

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I've just shown this to my wife, Scott. She lost her mum a few weeks back and we've both "had a moment". So sad for your loss, but your Dad must have been so proud to have a son like you - very moving words beautifully written. We can only hope to be so fondly remembered.

Thoughts are with you and yours.

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Scott, you have brought tears to my eyes :down: As Norm said, precious memories. Our thoughts are with you...

Exactly... :down:

My Dad went in 1987 but I still miss him now - Mum died when my now 38 year old daughter was five weeks old in 1974.

Your Dad sounds like a natural gentleman Scott.

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