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Least Favourite Thing About Owning A Westie


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After spending 18 months building it, it's now worth less than it cost me to buy the bits :cry:

Still glad I did it though :t-up:

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Last year, after including the road tax, insurance, petrol and the remains of the loan I took out to buy it divided by how many miles I actually drove it... it cost me about £100 per mile.

Tell me about it I did 1000 miles last year. 200 would be stoneleigh and 30 would be the mot :(

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Just short of my 3000 mile pa limit, with insurance renewal up in September, going to have to think of a bigger limit for next year as I should have a roof shortly and be able to get out in it more! ;)

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nunneys thinking it is a Caterham

nunneys thinking it is a Westfield

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The fact that nearly two years of owning it, and it is still 90% finished

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Yesterday: Not taking it to work because the met office weather forecast said it was going to rain, and then it didn't......

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Having to go to work ... which gets in the way of me going to all the track days I'd like to!

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going into a car shop and asking for a fanbelt for a 1992 westfield...

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It being a glorified garage ornament whilst waiting for the DVLA office to arrange an inspection they don't need to do

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1. Having too many boring but important jobs (like outside painting) to do on a sunny day.

2. Looking at it in the garage whilst it's pouring down outside.

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