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Are We All Feeling Proud Of Our Country?

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Churchill was the upper of the upper class. Yet he knew about the working man. Not to say he understood. He introduced unemployment benefit in the 1920s and death duties for which the Tories never forgave him.

Norman, are you sure about that? My recollection was that Estate Duty was first introduced in 1906 or thereabouts. Not sure that Churchill was a member of the conservative party then, he started as a liberal I thought?

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I'll have to look it up. I seem to remember he introduced death duties whilst he was chancellor after the (first) war.

I'm currently reading his "Second World War" for the umpteenth time. Just started Vol 2 so a bit engrossed in the fall of France and the Battle of Britain.

He was first elected as a Tory then crossed the house to the Liberals over Free Trade.

I've got some painting (ceilings, not canvases) tomorrow so may find time on Monday.

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Churchill: Some dates.

1900 - Elected to parliament

1904 - Quits Tories for Liberals

1922/4 - Appointed chancellor of the exchequer

The Chronology the above came from doesn't specify when Death Duties were introduced so I'd have to read the text. However it does say under 1910 "WSC becomes Home Secretary. His welfare state programmes". From memory I think this refers to the introduction of National Insurance for unemployment.

OK, back to the fall of France and the battle of Britain. Never in the annals .....

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I'm completely wrong on my dates for intro of Estate Duty. According to Wikipedia it was introduced in 1894.

Perhaps Churchill increased the rate, or reduced the threshold?

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I only wanted a yes or no answer :laugh::oops:;)

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really did think it would be a pile of **** (opening ceromoney) but i was shocked it was absolutley awesome infact it even brought a tear to my eye , danny boyle had done a superb job with it , i hope we do well at the events , yes we should be proud

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I'm completely wrong on my dates for intro of Estate Duty. According to Wikipedia it was introduced in 1894.

Perhaps Churchill increased the rate, or reduced the threshold?

Dont take wikipedia for granted , although it could be right on this occasion , its a haven for mis information , :t-up:

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I'll have to read up what it was that WSC did that made his Lordships so mad.

But not now, I've just got to the final fall of France

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Proud, Yes. There are lots of countries I like to visit and wonder what living their would be like, looking further into the ups and and downs of different countries confirms that I can only live here on a permanent basis. If you have plenty of cash living abroad can be very comfortable but thats only for a privileged few, the rest of us are far better off in the UK.

The Opening Ceremony was great viewing, like the idea of a potted history of the UK in an hour or so, Danny Boyle come up trumps there. As for the other countries wondering what it was all about, the overseas broadcasters would have had a brief of the storyline.

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  • 2 weeks later...

getting prouder anyone? :d

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The Greeks had the same amount of time and made a complete and utter hash of it which will haunt them for decades.

With all tHe respect in UK......money wise...yes it will haunt for long......

Ceremony wise....not excited about it just few thinks that worth it to watch at..maybe mostly for UK citizens,but olympic spirit

is meant to give you other things to think or admire....thats the world is all about those days any way and lost alot of deep meanings...thats were we lead any way....

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It's what happens after that really matters now.

If funding can be found to get all the youth clubs and sports clubs going again (a lot have been closed due to local authority money saving called health & safety) we will give the kids something to do and keep them out of trouble.

Let's see what happens.

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A club where people play sport?

I think.

Most of the country are inspired by our competitors achievements. Wouldn't it be total waste of energy and money if we can't keep our youngsters inspired to get involved.

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