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Are We All Feeling Proud Of Our Country?

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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I agree with all the zhyte u said CHAZ.

Its all about garbage in garbage out!!

Olympic is nothing but politics like a stupid united nation that did not

Accomplish anything.

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Chaz, haven't you heard your not allowed to express your opinions from the rooftops anymore.

And all those disadvantaged workers, if they don't like it, should go and get other jobs.

I, for one, thought it was great and showed our country for what it is - GREAT

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What a fantastic show the opening ceremony was. Brilliant!

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Goddammit, my father fought in the last world war, his father in the first, what more can our families and the common man do to influence present day society than be prepared to give their lives. We have the freedom to support, be proud or indeed moan as a result of their mighty endeavours. And I for one am massively proud of the privileges we have been granted by our forefathers to live in this land and to be associated by heritage with the fantastic work those folks have done bringing these games to fruition.

We all influence what happens in this country by just being part of society and protecting the freedoms that we so often take for granted.

I cannot disagree. All my post was meant to convey was that I am unsure that I have any right to be proud of something that I, personally, didn't have a hand in creating. I do my best to live to personal standards of which I am not ashamed, and I have tried to bring up my children to be decent people. If that's anything I should be proud of then yes, I am proud of it. I simply don't want to freeload on others' efforts.

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Rowan Atkinson was brilliant :laugh: :laugh:

Becks did a good job of looking cool too :d

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Absolutely blown away by the creativity and the execution of a stunning show. Comedy, joy and very moving in parts. Lots of risks taken and musically excellent. Highlight for me was Dizzy Rascal, of all people. Been a fan of Underworld since the early nineties and their influence on the music and atmosphere felt perfect for such a massive stage.

Only downsides appeared to Macca. His usual anthemic rendition of Hey Jude seemed to fall a little flat and it's a shame the Queen couldn't raise a smile. Perhaps she'd had a rough landing and got caught in a tree? ;)

All in all and all the obvious political debates aside, hats off to all the voluteers involved who made it possible and to Danny Boyle.

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Agreed, really enjoyed it. Had to admit I was waiting for a clanger that was never dropped.

Quintessentially British - Well done Danny!!

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I felt proud because, although I never had a part in it (other than contributing financially) it was all done in my name.

About time we all stood up and said we're proud to be British, the greatest country in the world.

The achievements of the peoples from our islands are truly amazing. We can debate why for ever but why bother. We're the best, most inventive, fair, cosmopolitan race on this plane.


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That opening ceremony was just amazing

Forget the politics and commercial angle and lets get on with the sport

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A very good show, and much better than i was anticipating :t-up:

PMSL at Rowan Atkinson :d

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Amazing opening, that was very British . I felt very proud of it, now let's hope our athletes do as well.

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Arise, Sir Danny Boyle - the perfect tone in every respect. Stunning.

Hats off to all the volunteers, who were rightly mentioned.

Nice touch with the construction workers guard of honour.

Excellent cauldron.

Well done, loved it (apart from McCartney's shot voice and Ali - leave the poor man in dignity already).

Let the games begin.

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All in all and all the obvious political debates aside, hats off to all the voluteers involved who made it possible and to Danny Boyle.

I totally agree with this.

However, I totally disagree with some folk who believe this country is suppressing the population with taxes; cut-backs and Christ know what else. This is a great country and that is something you should never forget.

Why is it great? Like others on here, my parents and gran-parents fought and won in very significant wars for the likes of us. Although it can never be proven what the outcome would have been had the wars been lost, I guess we all have a personal idea of what may have been.

Folk out there do not realise how fortunate they are. They have more disposable income than say folk of 60-70 years ago. How many people owned their own home then? How may people had fun cars that they could drive on the road or a track for fun back then? How many people took 2 + holidays aboard each year? Not many at all.

You all live in a better society than you realise. Be proud of it.

I very rarely rant on here but for those who think I am wrong, perhaps some should take a holiday in Syria as I am sure it will allow them to chill-out and reflect what a great country this is.

Just my jottings.

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