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Are We All Feeling Proud Of Our Country?

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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That's the things I like about Wales too! There are far worse places to live. Great blatting roads, hills galore to pedal my bike round.

The one thing I miss when going abroad is the countryside. Went to Canada last year to scope it out for a place to live (and to get some mountain biking in). The countryside was impressive, but there was no variation in it, 99% of it is too mountainous to farm and famrland gives the countryside character. Canada had thousands of miles of mountains and lakes, and not a lot else, no old ruins, no farms. There's something special about the British countryside I love.

absolutely agree, have travelled all over the world (well a fair bit of it anyway) and I remember in several places going to see their "top sights" (Yosemite being one which particularly stands out) and me thinking...."meh, seen better at home"...growing up in Scotland where part of your childhood is the obligatory "climb Ben xxxx" it does kind of spoil you for later life....

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Always annoys me when people talk about the fantastic scenery they've seen on holiday (probably in the coach from airport to hotel).

I ask have you been to the highlands, lake district, peak district, north wales, cornwall etc..

Usual answer is "no"

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Flippin' moaners !

I'm very proud of what this country has done in the past but now it seems we have to apologise for it !


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Just to be awkward, whilst I love Britain and like so many others have no desire to live elsewhere, I fail to see how I can be proud of something over which I have had no control or influence. Pleased when Britons succeed at something difficult, certainly, but proud? No, I reserve that for my children's achievements. :)

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My answer to the question, yes it does but would prefer a little more than a London games although they did have the first footie match just up the road at Old Trafford.

For the moaner(s) if the grass is greener on the other side why remain here. I have heard this numerous times over the years by peope who staunchly remain in gods sacred land. So please stop the moaning (olympic gold medal holders in that) and if something is wrong with society pull yer little digit out and start making a change.

Purely a personal view

Bob :love: (coat on skud launched)

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I fail to see how I can be proud of something over which I have had no control or influence.

Goddammit, my father fought in the last world war, his father in the first, what more can our families and the common man do to influence present day society than be prepared to give their lives. We have the freedom to support, be proud or indeed moan as a result of their mighty endeavours. And I for one am massively proud of the privileges we have been granted by our forefathers to live in this land and to be associated by heritage with the fantastic work those folks have done bringing these games to fruition.

We all influence what happens in this country by just being part of society and protecting the freedoms that we so often take for granted.

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I'm keeping out of this :laugh:

Nice little earner for a few very wealthy :down:

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Personally I like living in the UK for all it's faults and I too feel that we owe a debt of gratitude to those who fought and died to afford us the privliges we have today.

However I think that the Olympics are no more than a corperate jerk off that's more about big business, profit with the little guy getting screwed in the process than the actual sports.

Thousands of people across the country have been adversly effected.

Many thousands have had their summer holidays restricted so are not able to take annual holiday with their children during the kids summer holidays as the school holiday period clashes with the Olympics.

Store opening times have been extended whilst the employees are forced to work compulsory overtime for no increase in pay rate.

Many employees of large companies have had their hours of work changed cart blanch with the company attitude being "put up with it or p*** off"

Modern local resources have been diverted to the Olympics leaving communities with sub-standard equipment and poor service cover.

Because a lot of the companies are scared silly about screwing up they have sent their best people to the Olympics leaving local offices/branches and businesses to cope with inexperienced staff and newly promoted supervisory staff (being paid no more for their trouble) and all the stress and pressure that entails.

This is just the tip if the iceberg.

The conditions for the average worker at the Olympics are worse than most prisons (try your main meal being measured at 350g) in the UK.

There is the boom in people trafficking by organised gangs to supply the sex trade, the increase in narcotics to feed the crowds let alone the swarms of petty criminals, con artists and pick pockets set of make a killing from the happy throng who have already been robbed blind by the price of their tickets and an increase in gang activity.

On top of that lot is the leave ban for the Met, inforced overtime and changed shift patterns, they are a happy lot.............

Whilst the world looks on at the glitzy show that we can ill afford (and will never know the full cost of) they'll have no idea of the injustices and personal cost and misery caused to the many who made it all possible, who got nothing extra for their hard work whilst a few make good money and a very few make millions.

When it's all over and the money has run out there will be some fine buildings dedicated to sport that the average Jo won't be able to afford to use and in 6 months none of us will know who won what and nobody will give a **** anyway.

Good for Britain possibly but not by the ammount they say to justify the outlay, good for Britions no, not really.

You can bet I'll have better things to do than to watch it.


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the loudest Fff. Uuiu cccc. kkkkk ever - power cut at 8.40 and still no electricity - was so looking forwards to watching the opening ceremony

now sat in the car on the drive charging my phone pfffttttt.

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Well i am proud of one part of the UK, and that is out Armed Forces we all do a great job, just a shame most of the country do not give a **** about us

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That's a 'long' one Chaz...


Where else would an Olympic opening ceremony have Mr Bean playing with his 'organ'!! :d

...that's why I'm British and almost proud!

I'm waiting for an appearance of Monty Python now!

One can only hope when SWMBO insists on watching the opening this evening.

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Got to agree with chaz

A show put on by the wealthy for the wealthy and paid for by the working class in more ways than one :down:

And we are meant to be joyous and grateful..........my :arse:

Just my opinion of course

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Excellent country. Now shut up and celebrate it. Don't like it, get involved and change it.

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