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Are We All Feeling Proud Of Our Country?

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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It is mainly tax that gets us to the price we pay. It's not just the UK that's priced that way, it's the same in the rest of Europe.

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It is mainly tax that gets us to the price we pay. It's not just the UK that's priced that way, it's the same in the rest of Europe.

I know Norm and we're not the most expensive either!

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Another of my hobby horses, should cheer Dibby up.

At least the other governments didn't encourage us all to switch to diesel for green issues and then raise the duty on diesel when we had.

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A pity Moaning isn't an Olympic sport - the Brits would sweep the medals table. :bangshead:

If you had seen what a dump that part of London was before, you couldn't fail to feel proud.

The Greeks had the same amount of time and made a complete and utter hash of it which will haunt them for decades.

The Chinese did it well but soullessly, and not without paying a vast amount more, virtually putting workers into slavery, and shutting down all industry for a month.

The Americans made the worst job ever of it at Atlanta in 1996.

The Aussies did a great job in 2000 but have many white elephant buildings left over.

Come on, people - the Brits have wrought miracles. Time to stand up and be proud, enjoy the fruits of their labour and have an actual proper legacy to boot. Hats off to them all. :t-up:

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I'm with 'im above. Stop moaning you lot, it's a chance to show off and be proud. I know I am!

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'Ere 'ere!

Tho' I bet the Captain wont be so supportive when they fly the stars and stripes upside down, or raise the maple leaf by mistake! :oops:

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The chinese caused the world shortage of steel before the Beijing olympics. They stopped all building work for a period before the games as they didn't want the world to see construction going on at the pace it was.

So, the developers built 3 years of construction in one and caused a world shortage of steel.

Scott, we should lobby for moaning to be included as a sport. Etching was once.

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Not sure about "country" but "where I live" is great.....not overpopulated, property prices reasonable (in comparison to a large part of the nation) no big problem with immigration, little serious crime, the world's best driving roads at the end of my driveway (2 mile drive from home and I'm in the countryside), fabulous scenery, great wildlife, far away from olympic lanes and congestion charging, women with big breasts that drink too much.........sure there's some issues - price of fuel, high taxation and if someone could put the f*****g roof back on that'd be nice!!

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'Ere 'ere!

Tho' I bet the Captain wont be so supportive when they fly the stars and stripes upside down, or raise the maple leaf by mistake! :oops:

Actually, I'll laugh my :arse: off if that happens, instead of having a huge sulk like the North Korean football team.

The fun bits for me will be when it's UK vs USA at anything, but to be honest, I'll be pleased whoever wins.

Re the moaning - it's a funny old world when a Yank jumps to the defence of the UK against its own citizens.

The only thing that has ever stopped this country from being the greatest at anything is the lack of faith in itself, and the negative attitude of those who live in it. I hope this changes thing a little for the better.

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must admit have not been too bothered in the run up although being interested in the huge development project

but I can see some wonderful moments looming that should bring a lump to the throat and the hairs on the back of the neck stand up

I get the feeling that there will be many of those moments tonight during the opening ceremony :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

I hope the Olympics will lift the country as a whole and make us all that bit prouder to be British

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must admit have not been too bothered in the run up although being interested in the huge development project

but I can see some wonderful moments looming that should bring a lump to the throat and the hairs on the back of the neck stand up

I get the feeling that there will be many of those moments tonight during the opening ceremony :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

I hope the Olympics will lift the country as a whole and make us all that bit prouder to be British

:t-up: I can be very cynical (no, really...) but I hope the Limpix go well and we have many outstanding moments throughtout the coming weeks - and I really hope the closing ceremony goes well too as my sister is one of the performers :yes:

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The only thing that has ever stopped this country from being the greatest at anything is the lack of faith in itself

Not sure Mr Churchill would have agreed with that.

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Not sure about "country" but "where I live" is great.....not overpopulated, property prices reasonable (in comparison to a large part of the nation) no big problem with immigration, little serious crime, the world's best driving roads at the end of my driveway (2 mile drive from home and I'm in the countryside), fabulous scenery, great wildlife, far away from olympic lanes and congestion charging, women with big breasts that drink too much.........sure there's some issues - price of fuel, high taxation and if someone could put the f*****g roof back on that'd be nice!!

That's the things I like about Wales too! There are far worse places to live. Great blatting roads, hills galore to pedal my bike round.

The one thing I miss when going abroad is the countryside. Went to Canada last year to scope it out for a place to live (and to get some mountain biking in). The countryside was impressive, but there was no variation in it, 99% of it is too mountainous to farm and famrland gives the countryside character. Canada had thousands of miles of mountains and lakes, and not a lot else, no old ruins, no farms. There's something special about the British countryside I love.

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I wonder if the beeb have a contigency in case any of the livestock decide to give the billions watching a 'Discovery Channel' moment :d

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You can include the Peak District in the Scotland/Wales areas. Wonderful countryside and roads.

It was a very hard decision to move here from there.

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